Strange Neighbors (Strange Neighbors series - Book 1) by Ashlyn Chase
(For review from Sourcebooks)
Merry MacKenzie is finally out on her own, with her first apartment in the city. She's ready to live her life and find her future, but she doesn't expect it happen overnight. When Merry moves into an apartment building filled with unusual people, she meets the landlord, baseball pitcher, Jason Falco. Merry finds Jason attractive and they quickly begin to spend more time together, but she isn't sure she can give him her heart, he may just be a playboy.
With a vampire in the basement, a couple of witches up stairs, a very nosy manager, a ghost and a bunch of shapeshifter's in the building, Merry soon learns what it means to have strange neighbors. When she begins to understand that even Jason, is more than just a man, will she be able to see past the paranormal and find love? Will the ghost make peace with his past? Is Sly really Merry's birth father? How did all of these strange people end up together in one place?
My Thoughts:
Ashlyn Chase has done a wonderful job with this paranormal romance. She uses humor and the abnormal or strange to really showcase her talent as a writer. Strange Neighbors is filled with great characters, with interesting back stories. As the reader begins to learn about each character and find out what kind of paranormal abilities they have, it becomes less impossible to believe in the story and what's going on. These characters become more real. I have become a big fan of paranormal reading and this book really hits the spot in the genre. It's very well written and executed.
Merry, seems to be your typical girl next door character, but underneath that she has a very open mind and easily accepts her 'strange' neighbors and their quirks. She holds back with her heart where Jason is concerned more out of a sense of loyalty to her friend and to her idea of what her life was supposed to be like, but when she digs deeper and figures out what she really wants out of life she goes for it. Jason is the playboy, but he's ready to settle down. Now that he's sown his wild oats he sees what he wants and he goes for it as well. He seems to be strong character, but a great vulnerability where Merry is concerned, both great characters.
This book does have some adult language and sexual situations, so I wouldn't let my daughters read it just yet LOL...
I really enjoyed this book and I know you will too!
Strange Neighbors is available now from your favorite bookseller and I am having a giveaway for two copies as well. Just check the current giveaway on my sidebar for a link to the giveaway post.
I give this one 4 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

Great review. I will have to put this one in my TBR pile.
You got me at vampires in the basement and witches :D
this book really sound very good =p
Mixture of humour and paranormal is something I've never come close to before. This book definitely look like a fun, light read to me and I definitely love the chicklit-like cover! Looks refreshing =)
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