Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Interview and Giveaway: Kathryne Kennedy

Please join me in welcoming Kathryne Kennedy to Debbie's Book Bag today! Kathryne is here today to promote the release of her book, The Lord of Illusion. Many of you participated in the Elven Lord blog hop recently here on the blog and got a chance to win copies of all three books in the Elven Lord series, today two winners will get another chance to win a copy of the latest book in the series, see details at the end of the post.

DEB: Kathryne, it's been awhile since you've been with us here at Debbie's Book Bag, what have you been up to?
KK: I was finishing up the fourth book in my Relics of Merlin series, Everlasting Enchantment. In other words, I was having some magical fun. :}

DEB: Tell us a little bit about The Lord of Illusion and the Elven Lord's series.
KK: In The Elven Lords series, seven mad elven broke the barrier between worlds and conquered England, enslaving the people in their war games and playing chess on a bloody scale. They passed their beauty and magic down to their half-human children, and these half-breeds became the only hope of freeing England.

The Lord of Illusion is about a scholar, Drystan Hawkes, who has been searching for years to find the one woman who might hold the key to freeing England from its slavery to the elven lords. It’s about Camille Ashton, a girl enslaved in Dreamhame palace by the elven lord of glamour and illusion. It’s about healing hearts, and finding true love, and ultimately using that strength to conquer a great evil.

DEB: You obviously have a fantastic imagination, when did you start writing or dreaming about other worlds and fantasy type themes?
KK: I had my first story published in the school paper in second grade—I think it was about witches. I can remember telling my little sister stories at night before we fell asleep. The first book I remember reading was a book of fairy tales, so maybe that’s why my imagination always went in that direction.

DEB: Have you always been interested in elves? There are so many wonderful legends and stories about them, what was your inspiration for this story in particular?
KK: I fell in love with the concept of the Sidhe years ago. But when I saw Legolas in The Lord of the Rings movies, I knew I had to write my own world around these beautiful, captivating beings.

DEB: Do you have go-to fantasy writers that you like to read yourself or writers in general that inspire you?
KK: I have a long list of fantasy writers, as I’ve been devouring fantasy (or more broadly, speculative fiction) for a long time, before it became so generally popular. My husband introduced me to Michael Moorcock, and then I discovered Andre Norton, and Isaac Asimov. A few other authors off the top of my head are Robin Hobb, Dave Duncan, Sharon Shinn, Patricia McKillip, Robin McKinley, Patricia Briggs…so many great writers!

DEB: Will the series continue or is three books the limit with this one?
KK: As you could probably tell, I left it open. There are a few adventures (and love stories) with the theft of the scepters, and Malcolm’s story…and years later if that seal in the doorway doesn’t stay closed. :}

DEB: What are you working on right now or what's coming up you can tell us about?
KK: Sourcebooks is re-releasing the first three books in the Relics of Merlin series, and I just finished a brand new fourth book, Everlasting Enchantment. But I have this new world in my head taking shape, about four sisters cursed with fractured magic…I’ll have to see if my publisher likes it. 

DEB: Do you have any advice for new writers?
KK: I seem to have a new answer to that question every time I’m asked. So today it will be to focus on your unique voice and stories. Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing, don’t compare your journey to others. I have yet to meet any authors whose experiences are the same in their path to publication.

DEB: What about pet peeves with writing or the industry in general?
KK: I don’t really have any. This is a business, like any other. Maybe with more unknowns, I guess. Sometimes you just have to be able to think two ways, with the creative side of your brain when it comes to the writing, and the logical side of the brain when it comes to the publishing and marketing.

DEB: Tell us one thing the readers may not know about you?
KK: I love fuzzy slipper socks. And collecting fairies. And reality shows and anything in 3D.

Thank you so much for the interesting questions, Debbie, and for having me here today! I look forward to talking to your readers. I sure would like to ask readers what I may not know about them. Favorite foods, flowers, books, candy? All my favorite subjects. :} And good luck to everyone in the giveaway!

My Magical Best,


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of The Lord of Illusion by Kathryne Kennedy.

~ You must be a GFC follower or E-mail subscriber to participate.
~ US and Canadian Addresses only.
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST March 6th

1. Kathryne wants to know some of your favorite things... foods, flowers, books, candy! Give her some answers in your comment.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


Chrisbails said...

Some of my favorite things are books and reading. I also love collecting books. I have just a little of 200 books. I have some favorite authors I collect and some series that I love. It is also hard for me to part with my books once I get them. I re-read my books also.
Would love to win this book. I love series and would love to check it out. This is also a new author for me and always looking for new authors to check out. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win.


Author Kathryne Kennedy said...

Good Morning Debbie! I just saw the lovely review you posted for The Lord of Illusion, and had to thank you...profusely! I will treasure your words, and read them again on a day when I'm struggling to get the story outta my head. :} It's such a pleasure to be here on your blog today. It makes it even more special for me when I know it's a blogger who loves my work. Looking forward to talking to readers today!

Author Kathryne Kennedy said...

Hi Chrisbails! You are the kind of reader that authors adore. :} So glad you discovered me and my books here today!

booklover0226 said...

I enjoyed the interview; it was a great read. I read the book 1 and loved it. I can't wait to continue this series but need to buy book 2, first!

follower via email subscription

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Carol L. said...

First I ant to thank you for the great review. I think it was worded beautifully.
Kathryne, your worlds are amazing. I love your creative mind. :) I can't wait to read Lord of Illusion.
I love books and music. They are my go to for relaxation, always. I also collect antique compacts and depression glass.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

sorry,, forgot to mention that my GFC name is Lucky47.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

JeanMP said...

Enjoyed the interview! I have read book 1 and 2 in this series and loved them, can't wait to start book 3. I don't collect a lot of things, Disney figurines and Christmas ornaments (much to my husband's dismay, the basement is full of boxes of ornaments)
GFC follower JeanP
skpetal at hotmail dot com

Author Kathryne Kennedy said...

Hi booklover0226! So great to hear you've read it and loved it! How great of you to come let me know. Goodness, what will you do if you win the book today? Hmmm. Since you haven't read book 2, if you DO win the drawing, ask if my publicist can send you The Lady of the Storm instead. She might have some extras on hand. :}

Hi Carol L! I have a small collection of depression glass my grandma gave me. I can totally understand the passion for collecting it. Good luck with the drawing! Oh, and thank you for the kind words, and my pleasure!

Hi Jean! I collect Tinkerbells to go along with my fairy obsession. I grew up on Disney, and you'll find a hint of that in my Relics series, with the garden gnome, dragonnette & hobgoblin. As always, terrific to hear from you!

catslady said...

I too can't wait to read this third story. Besides your series, my other favorite is Jean Auel's Earth's Children series. Thank goodness you aren't making us wait as long between books lol. Besides books I too collect Christmas ornaments, mugs and playing cards and cats lol.

GFC follower

justpeachy36 said...

Kathryne, I'm glad you liked the review. This has been a spectacular series and I really enjoy your writing.

I'm sorry to see you move on, but I can't wait to see what you come up with next!

Thanks for taking the time to interact with the readers, it means a lot.

Anonymous said...

I love the Twilight series books and movies. I love reading alot. Its my favorite thing to do. I love losing myself in a book. Thanks for the giveaway

Lexi said...

Funny you say at, the first time I saw your book covers Legolas was who came to mind. Love him!
And Debbie's review was a great one!
Things I love? Being outside, hiking with my husband and Siberian Husky, chocolate (what girl doesn't?), and reading. =)

email follower eyesofblueice (at) gmail

mamabunny13 said...

Some of my favorite things(other than my daughters) are my dogs, books, daisies, coffee, steak, key lime pie, margarita's, books, and comedy.
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Author Kathryne Kennedy said...

Hi Catslady! I never would have guessed that you are a cat lover. ;} So great to hear from you!

Hi Justpeachy36! So very glad you enjoy the series! And it's my pleasure to talk to readers...I have the best! Thank you again for having me here. I wanted to stop by this morning and catch up on any comments I might have missed. Although I can't stay for the entire contest run, I wanted to wish everyone who enters the best of luck!

Hi Tore! Twilight is a fabulous series! I'm loving seeing it come to life on the big screen. Thanks so much for commenting!

Hi Lexi! Another choco-holic here too! :} Great to hear from you again!

Hi Mamabunny13! We are comedy fans too, love Jeff Dunham & Peanut! Thank you for sharing!

My Magical Best to all!

Carol M said...

I'd love to read this! It sounds really good!

My favorite things are books, of course, and chocolate. I love spending time with my grandchildren and I love my cats.

*yadkny* said...

My favorite thing (person actually) as of Valentine's Day is my newborn nephew:) Thanks for the great giveaway!

*GFC follower


Julianne said...

My favorite flower is anything purple. But mostly I like lillies.
Favorite candy is resse cups. I love that peanut butter and chocolate, but I'll eat any chocolate. Let's see food, steak, chicken, ribs, noodles and french fires. You know that real healthy stuff. My favorite books are the Vampire Queen series by Joey W. Hill.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

KMichelleC87 said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Books and rocky road ice cream are definitely my two favorite things!