On Simply Marvelous Monday's here at Debbie's Book Bag, we want to know... What are you reading?
The Gamble (Loss of Certainty series - Book 2) by T. P. Jones (For review from Phenix Publicity)
Captain Bonny Morgan: The Cassandra Prophecy by Robert "Doc" Gowdy (For review from Pump Up Your Book Promotions)
Freedom's Call by John Walker (For review from Phenix Publicity)
Got three in this week, plus quite a bit on a fourth and some on my e-book and audio book. I'm on chapter 8 of Outlander by Dianna Gabaldon, and I'm loving it! I haven't gotten beyond chapter 1 in Guilty Pleasures, by Laurel K. Hamilton. Just haven't had the time. I'm hoping to get a bit done on that one this week as well. It was a good week, I got in my goal of at least two books and enjoyed my reading.
Backseat Saints by Joshilyn Jackson (For review from Hachette Book Group)
Momology: A Mom's Guide to Shaping Great Kids by Shelly Radic (For review from Revell)
Sweet Misfortune by Kevin Alan Milne (For review from Hachette Book Group)
Stay by Allie Larkin (For review from Penguin)
Hiking Through:Finding Peace and Freedom on the Appalachian Trail by Paul V. Stutzman (For review from Phenix Publicity)
Out in the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load by Jen Hatmaker (For review from Revell)
P.A.C.E: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution by Al Sears (For review from Phenix Publicity)
Outlander (Outlander series - Book 1) by Diana Gabaldon (E-book from the Library)
Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake Vampire series - Book 1) by Laurell K. Hamilton (Audio book for review from the Library)
Baodicea's Legacy (Baodicea Legacy series - Book 3) by Traci E. Hall (E-book for review from Medallion Press)
I know I know big list... But I'm hoping to work on at least three, finish at least three and whatever happens on the rest LOL... I look forward to reading more of Outlander, and Hiking Through looks great. Backseat Saints is awesome! Looks like a good week! I'm usually reading a print book, an e-book and listening to an audio book each week. Just because I start it doesn't mean I'll finish it this week. I have a goal of at least 2 books a week!
Strange Neighbors (Strange Neighbors series - Book 1) by Ashlyn Chase (For review from Sourcebooks)
I only choose one Up Next selection at a time, cause I'm not sure what's next!
Wow! You have quite a bit on your plate =) Hope you have a great week!
Here is my Monday!
I've been interested in Backseat Saints. I think I'm going to look for that one on audio when I'm done teaching in July.
You have a lot coming up for this week! I hope you enjoy them all!
Well thats quite a bit! hope you enjoy all of it.
yowzah! You had a great week and a busy one coming up!
I am not sure how to tell you this but run do not walk to finish Outlander!!! You cannot have put it down to read anything else, for shame. I found you off the linky at Sheila's and stopped in, my Monday is here:
jackie b central texas
I like the eclectic mix of books you have lined up. Have a great week. :-)
I love the outlander series. I read the first one but have listened to the next two on audio. I have the fourth ready to go on audio as soom as I finish the ones I have for review. Looks like you are likeme and read more than one book at a time. I usually have at least 4 going at once. Happy Reading!!
I've been meaning to read a Joshilyn Jackson book.
Sometimes having a big list is an incentive, don't you think? For me, though, it sometimes backfires and I feel overwhelmed.
I tend to have a big list now and then. But, I don't get frustrated, I know I will eventually finish them all. It's usually more like two weeks instead of one, when I have a big list!
Quite a mix bag of book to get through..
Glad to see The Outlander on your list..
I found Outlander a bit too much romance and too little time travel. But if you're a romance fan, then it's absolutely great. Enjoy!
So much coming up, but I'm just the same, if I don't list it all out then I feel like I forget about it. But if I list it even if I don't get to all of it I do remember it and get it done quicker. Enjoy all the reading and listening, you'll have a blast!
Have a fantastic reading week and if you get a chance, stop by: Monday Reading's at There's A Book
I like your big plans for the week and you certainly have a variety of books to choose from. I just finished Strange Neighbors and thought it was sexy and funny. I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading and listening.
That is quite a list to read! :) I'm currently averaging a book a week, on a good week. Anyway, enjoy! :)
The Outlander series is AWESOME!! I am SO mad that I loaned my set out, since I NEVER got it back! I'm going to have to find it again; that is a "keeper" series and you will LOVE it!
You have a busy week ahead of you! Happy reading!
Here's my Monday:
Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
You are ambitious! I love audio books too!
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