Friday, January 6, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway: Roni Loren

Please join me welcoming Roni Loren to Debbie's Book Bag today. Roni is the author of the erotic romance, Crash Into You and she's here to tell us a little bit about how she created the elite BDSM retreat, The Ranch, a focal point for the action in her latest book. The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Roni's book, see details at the end of the post.

How I Built a BDSM Ranch (In My Head)

So one of the questions I inevitably get asked when people find out what I write is—so what kind of research do you do? Now if I was writing historical romances or something, this would be a pretty innocuous question. But because I write erotic romance, the question often comes with a wink wink nudge nudge.

Well, there is a fair amount of research involved. Though I’ll never tell how much of that is hands on or not, lol, I can tell you how I came up with the idea for The Ranch—the resort that my series is based around.

My husband and I are big concert goers. It’s one of our favorite past times. And about two years ago, we went to concert for a local rock band that was held out in an open field on a ranch out in nowhere Texas. There was nothing around for miles. You looked both ways and all you saw was land and open sky. So, of course, what does my writer mind automatically think? Boy, if you wanted to get away with something or keep something hidden, you could definitely do it out here in plain sight.

That’s how the idea for The Ranch first came to me. I’d read a lot of erotic books, which I really enjoyed, that were centered around BDSM clubs. But I wanted to take it a bit further. I wanted it to be a more all-encompassing experience. At this resort, you wouldn’t have to worry about prying eyes. If a scene needed to take place outdoors, it could. It gave me a lot more flexibility as a writer.

There are, of course, some places that exist like this out in the real world. Hedonism comes to mind. (Come on, you know you watched those late night HBO specials that used to feature it, lol.) But I wanted a place where money was no object and where the people there could basically have whatever fantasy they wanted (as long as it was consensual, of course). I didn’t want the “let’s have a big naked beach party” kind of place. I wanted something refined and specific—a place where people who were probably conservative professionals in their everyday life could indulge in their darker, edgier sides.

So I honestly didn’t research real life places to base The Ranch on.  I made sure all my BDSM ps and qs were in order (like no alcohol at the resort, rules and contracts for play, safety measures, etc.) then I let my imagination run free and created a place my characters would want to hang out at.
And hopefully, it’s a place readers will want to hang out at too—at least in book fantasyland. : )

If you created your own imaginary resort, where would it be located and what kind of place would it be? Was anyone else watching those HBO specials back in the 90s (or was I the only one compelled to watch people who had no business being naked on TV)?


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Crash Into You by Roni Loren.

~ You must be a GFC follower or E-mail subscriber to participate.
~ US and Canadian Addresses only (publisher request)
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST January 20th.

1. Please answer Roni's question about the kind of imaginary resort you would build.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


Teri Anne Stanley said...

HBO? I don't know what you're talking about. Never watched any of that Moonlight Bunny Ranch stuff either. Or at least, tried not to. There is something about a train wreck...

I don't really have imaginary resorts, but I do fantasize occasionally about being locked in one of those big office supply box stores for a weekend. How sad is that?

StacieD said...

LOL! We didn't have cable back when those shows were popular. You make it sound like I'm lucky to have missed it.

I think a resort in the mountains would be nice. It would be isolated for privacy. I think it would be cool to have a resort that lets people indulge in their passions. There could be theme events. Foodies can cook with great chefs. The fashion obsessed can get makeovers from designers. Sports fans can mingle with sports stars.

Congrats on the book! It sounds like a lovely story.

Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com

justpeachy36 said...

I have some friends who actually visit Hedonism every year and have nothing but good things about it, but let me remind you, this isn't something for the faint of heart! LOL...

My ideal retreat would probably be in the mountains as well or perhaps a more jungle-like setting. I'm not that big on the whole beach thing... sand in all the wrong places etc. But a snowy mountainside with a roaring fire and inhibitions thrown to the wind... Nice!

Roni Loren said...

Debbie, thanks so much for having me and for the fabulous review. I really appreciate it. :)

Teri Anne, LOL, I SO get that. I totally have an office supply obsession.

Stacie, Love the sound of that resort. And you totally missed out on those shows, lol. You couldn't help but watch!

Justpeachy, I'm with you, give me the snowy mountain resort instead of all that sound. Good to hear that Hedonism is still going strong, lol.

June M. said...

My ideal retreat would be in the mountains too. Someplace with a spa and warm springs, maybe a grotto, and a BDSM club. A little pampering during the day, and playing at night. Located on by a lake for water sports during warm weather, skiing & other snow sports during winter. And of course it would be ran by lots of sexy, hot Doms! OK, a girl can dream, right?

justpeachy36 said...

LoL... June! Dream, fantasize, take your pick!

Shelley B said...

My husband and I spent 5 days at Atlantis in the Bahamas. It was awesome! That's the kind of resort I'd build. Thanks for the giveaway!

justpeachy36 said...

Thanks for stopping by Roni! It is always great when an author takes the time to interact with readers! It was a pleasure reviewing your book.

Anonymous said...

I dont have an imaginary resort and I didn't see the special on HBO. I do imagine being a cabin somewhere far away with some mysterious man making love in front of the fire place.

Pam S (pams00) said...

Congrats on the debut release Roni, this sounds like a great book that I am going to have to read. Debbie, really enjoyed your reviewon it, thanks for sharing!

gfc - pams00

pams00 @

*yadkny* said...

An elite BDSM retreat? Now that sounds like a good time:) I was too young at the time to watch those "HBO specials", but if I created my own imaginary resort I think I would take the pretty much the same basics that you put into yours. I live out in the middle of nowheresville, so I already have a great setting for hiding something in plain sight:)

*GFC Follower

Tanya said...

I admit I watched those HBO specials and i learned alot. One of the girls in the office I worked at was telling me about a vactaion she was taking, she takes it every year and goes to Florida for a parade and as she was tellingm e I was thinking oh my, I saw that on HBO, I know exactly where you are going and why!
My kind of resort would be in the mountains, just beautiful scenery fresh air, at night its cool and you have a roaring fireplace. THe book sounds good. Thanks for the giveaway!