Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway: Victoria Connelly

Please join me in welcoming Victoria Connelly to Debbie's Book Bag today. Victoria is here promoting her latest release, Mr. Darcy Forever. She took time out of her busy schedule to talk to us about why she thinks Mr. Darcy appeals to women. The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Victoria's book, see details at the end of the post.

I think Mr Darcy still appeals to women today because he is strong and dependable.  At first, admittedly, he doesn’t come across well but we later realise that this is because he didn’t want to bad-mouth George Wickham.  This is so admirable a quality.  He would rather be misunderstood by the woman he admires most in the world than dish the dirt on Wickham.  How many people would stay silent and strong like that?

He helps Elizabeth’s family when they run into trouble and he does it purely out of love for her and not to be held in great esteem and thanked for his actions.  Indeed, Elizabeth is never meant to know that he has intervened in her family’s affairs.

Mr Darcy might appear proud and standoffish at first.  He might not want to dance and make small talk in the same way as the wonderfully affable Mr Bingley does but we soon learn that he is a deeply loyal man.  His housekeeper sings his praises, his sister is totally devoted to him and Mr Bingley can’t be wrong to have chosen him as his best friend. 

Yes, Mr Darcy makes mistakes – great big stonking ones.  He gives appalling advice to Bingley having completely misread Jane Bennet’s character, he snubs Elizabeth at the ball and then insults her and her family.  He also manages to alienate just about the whole of Meryton but, from the first time we see him, he fascinates us and he is willing to change for the woman he loves and that is totally irresistible! 

We desperately want him to find his happy ending with Elizabeth and, two hundred years later, we are still looking for Mr Darcy in our own lives.


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Mr. Darcy Forever by Victoria Connelly.

~ You must be a GFC follower or an E-mail subscriber to participate.
~ US and Canadian Addresses only!
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST April 18th.

1. Please leave a comment or question for the author on this post, not the form.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


cyn209 said...

Mr Darcy Forever is on my WishList!!! i can't wait read it!!!

thank you for the giveaway!!!

catslady said...

I just recently discovered P&P variations and am loving them. thanks

lag123 said...

I have my own Mr. Darcy but would love to read this!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Carl Scott said...

It is amazing that the character of Mr. Darcy continues to resonate 200 years on. I guess Jane Austen must have done something very right.

Renee said...

Just like the characters, I love all things Austen. I love that Mr. Darcy has universal appeal to this day.

Di said...

I'm always drawn to anything with a reference to P&P!
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Another good book to read. Thanks for the giveaway.

bn100 said...

I enjoyed the interview. This sounds like an interesting interpretation of Mr. Darcy.

Cathie said...

I like all the books on Mr. Darcy out there.