Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway: Jaci Burton

Please join me in welcoming author Jaci Burton to Debbie's Book Bag today. Jaci is here to promote her latest book, Taking a Shot, the third book in the Play-By-Play series. In this guest post Jaci describes her favorite book on the series... or does she? The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Jaci's book, see details at the end of the post.

Since I started my Play-by-Play series, I often get asked which one is my favorite.

Are you kidding? They all are. I’ve never had more fun writing a series than I have with this one. For one thing, I love sports, so being able to delve into a different sport with each book has been a blast. And writing about sports players? Now that’s fun.

I’ve built a fairly large cast of characters in my Play-by-Play series. The Riley family consists of Mick, Gavin, Jenna, and in future books, you’ll meet the Riley cousins. Of course there’s also the women and men they fall in love with.

Let me give you a little insight into each of them. I think you’ll see why it’s so hard to choose a favorite.

Mick from The Perfect Play was my first in this series, and I love him because of his strength mixed with his vulnerability. He has a secret in his past that he’s fought to hold onto. But falling in love with Tara means learning to trust someone with the demons of his past, and sharing everything with her, including the ugly parts of his life. It takes a lot of courage to be able to do that, and that’s one of the reasons I love him so much. With Tara, it’s her ability to put her child first above everything else, including her own needs, but also her warmth and compassion and her innate ability to love.

Gavin from Changing The Game was such a wild card, so sexy and dynamic, and it would take a strong man to tame a wild woman like Elizabeth. Gavin has it in him to love fiercely, and he sets out to show Liz that she’s deserving of it. Liz doesn’t make it easy for a man, but the one thing she has going for her is her all consuming love for Gavin, a secret she’s held for many years. She sees it as her Achilles Heel. She’s made a lot of mistakes, and she doesn’t want to make another one with the man who has her heart.

Jenna from Taking A Shot is a mass of contradictions. It’s not so much what she wants, but what she doesn’t want—or at least what she thinks she doesn’t want, and that’s a sports player. But Ty gets all up in her business, and she can’t think straight around him. The chemistry between them is smoking hot, but he’s also sweet and generous and helps to guide her career, so he confuses the hell out of her. I love that he surprises her. Ty is smoking hot and sexy, but he’s also generous, and when he pursues Jenna, it gets way more than physical. He wants to help her realize her dream, which surprises him as much as it surprises her. I love that about him.

And then there’s Cole and Alicia, the Riley cousins coming up in Playing to Win and Thrown by A Curve. I’ll wait to get into why I love them. (I know. I’m a big tease.)

So how could I possibly choose which character to love best? I’ve had so much fun creating these characters. They’re all larger than life, and yet very much every day people who fall in love, but have issues to resolve on the road to their happily ever after. I hope you come along for their journey, and that you enjoy the ride.



The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Taking a Shot by Jaci Burton. (Please be advised that this an erotic romance.)

~ You must be a GFC follower or E-mail subscriber to participate.
~ US and Canadian Addresses only!
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST March 27th

1. Please leave a question or comment on this post, not the form, in appreciation to the author.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


Tanya said...

I loved the first two books in this series, can't wait to read this one. I love the family dynamic and all the love they obviuously have for each other. I can tell you can't pick a favorite book, and I completely understand why, but is there a sport that you enjoyed writing about?

Texas Book Lover said...

I love this series because it combines two of my favotite things...well three really...sports, reading , and really hot guys!

Keep up the great work!

Victoria said...

Thank you so much. I really want to read Taking A Shot. Hockey is my favorite sport. When I was a kid I was the only girl playing ice hockey with all the boys. This was back in the 70's - almost unheard of :). Did you play sports and if so which ones?


CrystalGB said...

HI Jaci. Taking a Shot sounds good. I love the cover. I am a big fan of books with hockey players.

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Jaci. I've always enjoyed reading sports romances.

krg said...

I am looking forward to Jenna's story since I really loved Mick and Gavin! Thanks for continuing to bring great stories to life!

chey said...

I haven't read any of these books yet. I'm looking forward to reading them all!

Glittergirl said...

Is Thrown by a Curve about girls softball? Oh I do hope so! Love this series.
glittergirrl54 at ymail dot com

Lexi said...

Oh Mick is my favorite, his vulnerability even though he tries to put on his tough face and hide it. Him and Tara are so perfect for each other. Can't wait to read about Ty!

Pat L. said...

I love sports related books - baseball is my sport of choice but I do enjoying reading all sports related books.

Do you have a favorite sport?

I am glad there are more of this series in the works.

Shelley B said...

I love the first two books and look forward to reading this one. Thanks for the giveaway.

Kathleen O said...

Jaci Burton is near the top of my tbr list this year.. I am looking forward to reading all of these great books.. Love Hockey players.

Thanks for a great giveaway...

Sue Farrell said...

I enjoy a good sports story---add some romance and this should be a really good read.

Di said...

I love it when characters with past difficulties get their HEA. And a series makes it even better when we catch up on that HEA with the earlier characters.
sallans d at yahoo dot com

Chrisbails said...

This is a new author and series for me. Best covers of any series, what gorgeous men.
My question is there going to be any more books for this series? Also any other new books coming out by you Jaci?
Thanks for the giveaway.

catslady said...

I've not read any from this series but I've enjoyed many of your books! Great cover.


Johanna J said...

I loved the first two in this series and can't wait to read the next! I love the sexy covers too!


bn100 said...

I enjoyed the post. Sounds like a great series.

Julianne said...

I've enjoyed reading the excerpts for Taking A Shot. I haven't read any of the Play by Play series yet, but I have them on my list. What a great idea for a series Jaci, and the covers aren't too bad either. *eg*
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. The book sounds awesome. Tore923@aol.com

Joanne said...

I have the first book in the series but haven't read it yet. All the books sound wonderful. I'll have to pick up the others. Great post/ Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I love this series! I've only been able to read the first book, but I'd love to get my hands on this one! It's a great series!

THanks for the great giveaway!

stickiekittie [at] gmail [dot] com

lag123 said...

I haven't started this series but I would love to now!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

*yadkny* said...

I so need to read this series! All the covers are amazing and I keep hearing how the stories are even better!

GFC Follower: *yadkny*


Beth said...

I love the cover! :)

bethsbookreviewblog2 AT gmail DOT com

Carol L. said...

l Love the covers and have really enjoyed all the excerpts I've read on these books. I can't believe I haven't read them yet.But, that will change now. :)
Thanks for this opportunity.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sophia Rose said...

Ha! You've sold me on the reasons you cannot choose a favorite. They all sound like great characters. I have not started this series yet, but I love sports and romance so I'm sold.

Thanks for the post and for the giveaway opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I love these hot covers and have enjoyed the previous books in this series.

I am a gfc follower even tho right now cant log into google. LOL.


Anonymous said...

Am an emaill follower.

Pam S (pams00) said...

I have read and loved the first two books in the series with Mick's story still being my favorite so far. I can't wait to read Jenna's. I enjoyed the glimpses we got to see of Ty when he was introduced in book two. I am also extactic this series will b e continuing beyond the three siblings :)!

pams00 @ aol.com

Crystal said...

I've just started reading this series.

cm.croberts(at)gmail (dot)com