Monday, January 4, 2016

Where Haveeeee You Beeeeen???

I've been away for awhile now... since September. Usually, when I disappear it's health related. As many of you know I am a diabetic and have several health issues related to the disease that keep me from blogging on a regular basis sometimes. 

But that wasn't the case this time. I had a busy week that week. I hadn't had much time to blog and I had plans for several posts that I had in mind to post in the coming days. But God had other plans. 

On September 15th my dad had a horrific truck accident that eventually took his life a few days later on September 19th. My world was shattered in a moment. My dad meant the world to me and his death has completely changed my life. 

He drove a heavy equipment truck my whole life and never in 50 years had an accident. He was never really sick much in his life either, even though he was 73 years old. It was such a shock and such a loss to our family and to our community. My dad wasn't a CEO or a big shot in any way. He was a mechanic and he could build anything. He was 'Mr. Fix-It' not only to us but to everyone in the area. He was a man of few words, but his words held weight and he is truly missed by everyone who knew him. 

As you might imagine my mom is devastated. She was married to my dad 51 years and they had hardly spent a night apart in all that time. She never liked to stay by herself even when dad was living. So this loss has been a tremendous change for her. I have one sister and one brother. We all have families. Since I only work a seasonal job from Jan. to April and they both work everyday, I am staying with my mom during the day and some nights, even some weekends. It's a new reality for all of us. 

Blogging has been far from my mind these past few months. My life has changed completely. I have not even been able to concentrate on reading much, but am starting to feel the urge a little the past couple of weeks. My heart is still very heavy and everyday is a struggle in it's own right. I don't know how often I will blog, what I will blog about or anything else at this point. It won't be everyday... not for awhile. My family needs me. But I love reading and I love blogging so don't count me out completely. I just need some time to figure out how my life goes on... and how this reading community fits into it. 

I love you all and wanted you to know what was going on. 

Thank-You in advance for your kind words. Don't be offended if I can't answer back right now. I can't really find the words.

RIP Dad! I love you!


Lisa said...

I'm so sorry, I totally understand. My family is in a similar place we lost my dad in February and he was 73. He and mom were married 52 years and she is devastated we all are. Thinking of you and will be here when you are ready to post again.

Debbie S said...

I am so sorry for your loss, my mom was married to my dad 51 years also and rarely was separated. You and your family are in my prayers.

Annette Naish said...


First I am so sorry for the loss in your family's life. Y'all are in my prayers. Family should always come first. And I think that all of us feel that when you can and want to, we will welcome you with open arms. Until then, know I am praying for each of you.

Carol N Wong said...

So sorry for what you are going through. I lost my brother when he was in med school because of severe depression, my father later of a massive stroke and then my mother of a heart attack. The hardest for me was my brother's death. It has been over 40 years and I still cry whenever I hear "Danny Boy" and when Valentine's Day comes. My father had a light stroke and I got to sit by his side and hold his hand for a long time until he had the second stroke which was giant. When my mother died, I was in California and I got a phone call. He announced himself as the County Corner and told me that my mother was found dead. It was a heart attack, her first one. I had talked to her two days before and she was feeling fine, had just gotten a complete physical and told her that she was in excellent health! You never know when or how your parents and or siblings will die but you can count ob going through a whole lot of emotions tumbling through all of the next days. Only as time passes will it not get so often or so very, very strong.

Take Care, Debbie You are going through one of hardest part of your list, each day saying good bye to your dad in different ways, His love is a part of you. There is no standard time for grief. Just take whatever time you need and read what you are drawn to.


Rachelle21 said...

Your mother needs you right now. It is hard to lose a parent, both of mine died in 1988 and I still find things that make me miss them. Take what ever time you need.

Grandma Cootie said...

So, so sorry. Always take the time you need and don't worry about being away from the blog or anything else.

holdenj said...

I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I am glad you and your mom are there for each other.

petite said...

I am so sorry for your loss. You are being brave and this is such a difficult time for you. Being with your mom is precious.

Unknown said...

I'm so very sorry.

Cheryl said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Rita Wray said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the family. May God hold your hand at this terrible time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for your loss. My mom passed away the beginning of October. Thoughts and prayers are with you.