Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Review and Giveaway: A Talent for Trouble

A Talent for Trouble (Ladies of Distinction - Book 3) by Jen Turano

Publication Date: 10/01/2013
Publisher: Baker Publishing Group
Imprint: Bethany House
Genre: Christian/Inspirational Historical Romance
Pages: 352
ISBN-10: 0764211269
ISBN-13: 978-0764211263

(Received for an honest review from Bethany House)

Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, ChristianBook, IndieBound

Jen Turano on the WEB: WebsiteFacebook, Goodreads

Books in the series:

A Change of Fortune (2012), A Most Peculiar Circumstance (2013), A Talent for Trouble (2013)

Coverart: Click the image for a larger, clearer view of the covers in this series.

Excerpt from A Talent for Trouble, courtesy of Baker Publishing Group (lower left hand side)


Charming Wit and Romance from an Author Sure to Delight Readers

Miss Felicia Murdock firmly believed her destiny was to become a minister's wife. When the minister on whom she had set her sights marries another lady, Felicia is forced to take a close look at her life and comes to a few uncomfortable conclusions. Determined that something needs to change--and soon--Felicia discovers she is finally ready to spread her wings and embrace life the way she's always wanted.

Grayson Sumner--or Lord Sefton, as he's officially known--has had more than enough of spreading his wings and only hopes to settle into the life of a normal, respectable New York gentleman. Prompted by some well-meaning friends to lift the spirits of the disappointed-in-love Miss Murdock, he is surprised to encounter a young lady who seems to have become quite adventurous and quite determined to get herself into all sorts of troublesome situations. 

Intent on remaining independent, Felicia is reluctant to accept Grayson's help, especially as she finds herself developing feelings for him. However, just as Grayson decides he's had quite enough of her antics, his past comes back to haunt him and his presence in her life has endangered Felicia. Will Grayson and Felicia decide they want to spend the rest of their lives keeping one another out of trouble?


The third book in Jen Turano's Ladies of Distinction series, A Talent for Trouble will have readers smiling a lot and even laughing out loud on occasion. Filled with humor and heart this novel has two underlying themes, forgiveness, and knowing who you really are. Fans of Turano will quickly fall in love with spunky heroine, Felicia Murdock as she tries to re-make her life after a failed attempt at becoming the perfect ministers wife. Turano's knack for intriguing dialogue and humor take this book to another level which will leave readers breathless.

Turano has a real flair for humor. Most of the time when I'm reading Christian/Inspirational romances, humor is usually an element that is focused on. Turano, however, uses it with purpose. Her stories are light and fun to read because she makes her characters able to laugh at themselves and the situations they find themselves in. I think Turano's humor is one of the strengths in this series. Readers who don't want the typical sedate and predictable Christian romance will love this one.

Another strength in this series is the great characters that Turano has created. All three books focus on a group of characters that readers are able to revisit as each new book comes out. I liked that aspect of the series a lot. I often finish a book in a series and wonder what happened after the book ended and Turano indulges readers by having reappearing characters who help move each story along. 

Felicia is a perky heroine that has kept her outgoing personality on the back burner for over four years. She has been demure and quiet. She has dressed in outfits that befitted the wife of a minister which she aspires to. But underneath she hasn't been true to her nature. When the minister in question marries another woman, it's time for a change. I loved the fact that Turano shows the huge amount of spiritual and emotional growth that Felicia goes through in this book. She learns who she really is beyond what she thinks is expected of her and it fits well into the story. She is an excellent character.

Grayson took me a little while to warm up to, but once I got a sense of where Turano was going with the character I understood why he needed to be that way. All in all I thought he was probably the best hero in the series. I liked the fact that Turano allows him to speak frankly with Felicia and not sugarcoat anything. He was honest and open with her at every turn and he turned into a good hero who left behind a past that he would rather forget. It comes back to haunt him in this one and Felicia gets caught in the crossfire. I think Turano does a great job with his character.

The first two books in this series are lighthearted, humorous and full of well developed characters. A Talent for Trouble follows that same pattern. I read these books back to back and found that they can all be read as stand alone novels and in some cases that may be the best way. When reading them all together there were so many similarities in the writing style and flow of the books, that it took away from the overall experience of each book. So, take some time in between and read a few other things before going back to each one and it will be a more a enjoyable series.

Overall this was a good book. It may have been a little predictable when read in sequence with the other two books in the series, but that doesn't take away from the story itself. It was not preachy or too overloaded with the Christian perspective. I think Turano's subtle approach to Christian principles and values is a much more successful tactic and still gets her message across extremely well. I liked this one a lot.

A Talent for Trouble is available NOW from your favorite bookseller.

I'm giving this one 4 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

About the Author:

Jen Turano, author of A Change of Fortune, A Most Peculiar Circumstance, and A Talent for Trouble, is a graduate of the University of Akron with a degree in Clothing and Textiles. She is a member of ACFW and lives in a suburb of Denver, Colorado. Visit her website at

Giveaway Details:

TLC Book Tours is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of A Talent for Trouble by Jen Turano.

~ You must be an email subscriber to participate.
~ US Addresses only.
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST, November 20th.

1. Please leave a comment describing your interest in Christian/Inspirational Historical Romance. Have you been reading this kind of fiction for sometime etc.
2. Please fill out the FORM.

Jen Turano’s TLC Book Tours TOUR STOPS:

Monday, October 21st:  The Overweight Bookshelf
Monday, October 28th:  A Chick Who Reads
Wednesday, October 30th:  Cheryl’s Book Nook
Monday, November 4th:  Dear Brighton
Tuesday, November 5th:  Christian Bookshelf Reviews
Wednesday, November 6th:  Deb’s Book Bag
Thursday, November 7th:   Hardcover Feedback
Tuesday, November 12th:  Lavish Bookshelf
Wednesday, November 13th:  Reviews from the Heart
Thursday, November 14th:  My Bookshelf
Monday, November 18th:  Joyfully Retired
Tuesday, November 19th:  Luxury Reading
Thursday, November 21st:  Peeking Between the Pages
Friday, November 22nd:  By the Book.


traveler said...

I am new to this literature. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

Athena said...

I read just about everything, but I tend to read more inspirational. I like the 'happy' endings!

Found you this this tour :) Looking forward to reading more!

P.S. I tried to subscribe via feedburner with my email and didn't get a confirmation... Let me know if it didn't work.

R Merr said...

I have been reading this genre for almost 20 years now. Really enjoy good clean books

Wilani Wahl said...

I mainly read Christian Fiction and have done so for the last 46 years or more, I love this author.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading Christian fiction for about 4-5 years now. I started to read it when so many historical fiction books became too erotic.

Susan Johnson said...

I have been reading Christian fiction for over 20 years. Ever since Janette Oke's books first came out.

justpeachy36 said...

Janette Oak was actually the reason I started reading Christian fiction in the first place. I love the Love Comes Softly series as well as everything else she has ever written, but there are so many wonderful books from this genre coming out all the time. I've been reading this kind of fiction for at 25 years or so.

Unknown said...

Yes, I've been reading Christian Historical Romance for a long time. The first author I read was Jannette Oke and I loved it. Been reading it ever since. Thank you for the opportunity to enter this giveaway and please enter my name.
Barbara Thompson

Unknown said...

My interest has always been inspirational books I love how the characters and story lines come together to help me see how their faith in God works in their lives. I am a 35 year reader of this type material.
Thank you.

lag123 said...

I love to read inspirational. I can always use a GOOD story.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Di said...

I wasn't familiar with this series, but I love to smile and laugh when I'm reading.

sallans d at yahoo dot com

Heather J @ TLC Book Tours said...

I like when good values are presented subtly rather than forcefully so I think I'd enjoy this one. Thanks for being on the tour!

Renee G said...

The Love Inspired series of books is my favorite. I like a good clean story with a happily ever after ending.

Michelle F. said...

I started reading Christian fiction in 2008 and now I occasionally read it. I like the cozy mysteries and historicals. I'm not religious but I like good clean fun. The book sounds good.

Nancy said...

I prefer Christian Romance series. Some of the other let sex take away from the story a bit.