Thursday, January 12, 2017

Changes Ahead!

Hi, everyone! It's been a minute... almost a year. 

As many of you know my dad passed away about a year and a half ago. To say that I have went threw a few life changes is probably an understatement. 

I tried to blog for a little while during that time. I thought it would keep my mind busy and help me cope with all the changes in my little world. Unfortunately, with health issues and taking care of my mom it got away from me a bit and the blog suffered because of it. 

I have, however, still been reading. I have many thoughts on all the wonderful books I have read during my hiatus. I have also done a lot of thinking about the scope of the blog and where I want it to go from here. 

This has always been a personal project for me. It was about introducing readers to good books. My reviews have always reflected the idea that I can usually find something I like about a book whether I liked it in it's entirety or not. I don't usually read books that I think for any reason I might not like. That's why my reviews are generally favorable. I don't waste my time on books that I know I will struggle to give a good review for. It's just the way I do it. I don't give good reviews because I think that's what I need to do or because I want to get more books from a specific author or publisher. I give good reviews because I liked the book. That's it. 

I read a lot. Several books a week sometimes. I don't post reviews of everything I read. If I did, this would be a 24/7 job. I have more requests than I know what to do with and I haven't blogged in a year, if that tells you anything. Once I start again I will be covered up and I just can't do them all. 

I have always read a variety of books and genres and I continue to do so. I love memoirs and historical romances. I love gritty urban fantasy and magical contemporary romances. I love a good cozy mystery and a touch of horror never hurts when you want something different. I have always made this blog eclectic and open. I have struggled with the idea that I need to settle on one genre and stick to it. 

Maybe this should be a cozy mystery blog only. Or perhaps a romance blog that encompasses all the subgenres of romance from romantic suspense to historical. It's always been a challenge for me to settle to one thing where reading is concerned. That's something I don't really want to change but there are advantages in doing so. I would be afforded a lot more opportunities to review specific kinds of books. I think my blog would probably benefit from a sharper focus. I think I would gain more followers if I paid a little more attention to who my audience is and what they want. 

I'm not really sure what that means just yet. I'm not sure of what changes I am going to implement or if changes are needed. I do feel like I need a new start. Next week on Monday I will be posting a new review and perhaps a giveaway if I can arrange it. I hope that you will take this journey with me into something new. Life has many changes, we just have to learn how to adapt. I've adapted to a lot of new things in my world and I have seen changes in myself that were unexpected. I hope the changes here will be what's needed to make this blog successful and enjoyable.

Thanks for your support in all things~   Deb


holdenj said...

Nice to hear from you! I think change is good and whatever direction it goes, I will certainly check it out! We have always had some very similar tastes and some I have only looked at because I noticed it here! Happy New Year!

Linda Kish said...

Welcome back and I'll see you next week. I don't just read one genre either so whatever you decide will work out fine. People will still be here.

Carol N Wong said...

I read lots of genres except for fantasy and science fiction. Currently I'm reading Gizelle's Bucket List by Lauren Fern Walker. It is the right book for me now. I think maybe it would be good to just read and review the books that you most want to read regardless of genre.

Karen B said...

Welcome back! Looking forward to your new reviews whether I want to read the book or not. Always liked the variety of your book choices.

Annette Naish said...

Hey There,

I am so happy to see that you are feeling perky and up and running again. For me, whatever you choose to review will be fine. I like your thoughtful reviews and the way you express your viewpoint.

For what it's worth, I am well aware that life does not always go in a straight line, nor do we always have that proverbial bowl of cherries.

Debbie, do what you are comfortable doing, offer what you want to offer, and all of us will be happy to read what you write. Most of all , take care of yourself.

Grandma Cootie said...

I just love to read - period- and finding another reader that enjoys a variety of genres is a joy. Blog what you want when you want; we'll be here. Good to see you back.