Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simply Marvelous Monday (19)

Shelia at One Person's Journey Through A World of Books gets all the credit for this one...

On Simply Marvelous Monday at, Debbie's Book Bag, we want to know... What are you reading?


Too Close to Home (Women of Justice series - Book 1) by Lynette Eason (For review from Revell)
Forget Me Not (Crossroads Crisis Center series - Book 1) by Vicki Hinze
(For review from Waterbrook Multnomah)

I finished the two books that I absolutely had to finish this week. I do have The Founding at least half read. Sometimes life intervenes (one daughter spent a day in ISS (in-school-suspension) and no I don't have terribly behaved children, I was shocked and the other daughter dropped her $300 Ipod in the bathtub) Eke gads!!! It's been one of those weeks LOL!


Celebration by Fern Michaels (Audio book from the Library)
Outlander (Outlander series - Book 1) by Diana Gabaldon (E-book from the Library)
The Founding (Moreland Dynasty series - Book1) (For review from Sourcebooks)
In Harms Way (Heroes of Quantico series - Book 3) (For review from Revell)
The Bridegrooms by Allison K. Pittman (For review from Waterbrook Multnomah)
How Do You Tuck in a Super Hero? by Rachel Balducci (For review from Revell)
Uncertain Magic by Lisa Kinsale (For review from Sourcebooks)

Another rather industrious list. Eventually I will get caught up LOL... In the meantime, as per usual my library selections take a back seat to the books I plan to review. I am usually reading a print book, an e-book and listening to an audio book each week. Just because I started it this week doesn't mean I'll finish it. But my primary goal is two books a week.


More Than Conquerors (Extreme Devotion series - Book 2) by Kathi Macias (For review from Pump Up Your Book Promotions)

I only choose one up next selection a week because I'm never really sure what I'm going to be doing next.


Zia said...

Forget Me Not looks good. Have a great reading week.

Kathy Martin said...

You are really ambitious. Good luck with all your reading. I hope next week is calmer on the homefront too.

I have been meaning to read Outlander for years. I hope you enjoy it. I just got the first book in the Heroes of Quantico series and I am eager to start reading.

Happy reading!

Ellz said...

Great list. Uncertain Magic looks good, the title sounds familiar. I need more time to read, maybe I should try making a list like you do, it may help.

ibeeeg said...

I so hope you enjoy reading Outlander. I love that book, I love the whole series. Matter of fact, Gabaldon is my favorite author.

Enjoy your week, and Happy Reading!

Mystica said...

I've heard a lot about Outlander but though the genre is something I am not really comfortable with, I really should step out of the box and go with something that has got such good reviews.

Crystal (I totally paused!) said...

I really need to reread the Outlander series, I loved it the first time around, but haven't tried to start the latest one because I want to read them all again!

Have a great week :)

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Looks like a big challenge, hope you get through everything!

Alaine said...

My sympathies, my son is a really good boy too, but last week I received a $1300 home phone bill. I had told him to ring his girlfriend from the home phone so he wouldn't run up a mobile bill. What I didn't know is that she doesn't have a home phone and so he was calling her mobile. He was very sorry, he is only 14. You've got to love them.

Hope you have a great reading week!

Jan von Harz said...

I have seen Forget Me Not and it looks like an interesting read. Hope you enjoy. Have a great week.

Ruth Schaller said...

Nice! Hope you have a great reading week - here is mine for this week!

Nise' said...

Great reading week. I've been reading good reviews for Forget Me Not. Yay for Outlander! Hope you are enjoying it.

Mystica said...

Your reading week is ambitious. I do hope you succeed (you usually do). About the children we all have had weeks like this. It does get better!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Great reads! I love the sound of How To Tuck In A Super Hero! Forget Me Not sounds good too.

Enjoy your week and the books!

dollycas aka Lori said...

I love coming to your blog and just staring at the background, it is beautiful. That being said, sorry about your week, just remember there will be a day in the future you will sit back and laugh about it. my oldest son went to school late everyday his whole high school career and holds the school record for most restricted lunch detentions. He just did it to tick off the school secretary who would have to write him a pass for class everyday. he is now 25 and she still laughs when we mention it, she will never forget him.

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I've been noticing Forget Me Not around the 'sphere...sounds good.

Happy reading.

Priya Parmar said...

i have not read any of those and they sound wonderful. your blog is absolutely beautiful!

Unknown said...

Outlander is really a wonderful book. The series comes off as a fantasy/romance hybrid, but what continually amazes me is the incredible historical, medical and cultural detail that Diana Gabaldon manages to infuse in the books. I always reccommend these books to people who like to learn because you will learn a lot.

Anonymous said...

I hope you enjoy Outlander! It was a fun book but took me way to long to get through it lol! I hope you have a less crazy week coming up!

Candace said...

Outlander is awesome! I love that series! Very long and sometimes drawn out, but still very worth the read!

BTW, just found your blog and am loving the background! Beautiful!

Deb said...

I have had Outlander for a long time and keep putting it on the backburner. Enjoy your week. I need to get caught up as well.