Why Wolves—Why Werewolves? And How They Ended up in a Series!
Thanks so much, Debbie, for having me here today!!!
To answer your question, I’m a total pantser, which means I write by the seat of my pants. And that means I don’t plot out my stories to death before I write them. Which also means, when I wrote Heart of the Wolf, my only thought was writing something really different. I had already written four vampire novels, having loved vampires since I was a teen, but selling vampire stories seemed like an impossibility since about that time, tons of already well known authors were jumping on the band wagon to write a vampire series. I had written series books before, and being unable to sell the first, I soon found that not selling one, meant I might have three I couldn’t sell, so I was better off concentrating on just that first one and seeing what might come of it.
So if vampires were out, what wasn’t being done? Werewolf romances. At least, not to my knowledge. I had fun researching wolf behavior, thought of a mystery, adventure, sexy foray into the werewolf kingdom, and the Heart of the Wolf was born.
Now, often when we’re trying to sell, it takes forever. I had a lot of interest in the book, a close, but no cigar sale to a NY publisher, and so I began a new book, Destiny of the Wolf, in the event Heart of the Wolf didn’t sell.
Then Deb Werksman of Sourcebooks fell in love with my world, bought the first book, and made my year!!! When she asked if I had anything else, I had the four vampire novels, but Destiny of the Wolf was only partially written. She said the vampire world was saturated, so no. So I went to work on Destiny of the Wolf. And while she considered it, this time, I went straight to work on another werewolf novel, To Tempt the Wolf and had the idea for Legend of the White Wolf, so proposed it also. I hadn’t written that one before she bought both books! And that was the start of the series. After that, I sold Seduced by the Wolf, Wolf Fever (December 2010), Heart of the Highland Wolf (Spring 2011), and Dreaming of the Wolf (Fall 2011) on proposal.
Ever since reading Jack London’s tales—Call of the Wild and White Fang—I’d been fascinated with wolves. I didn’t even realize that was where I’d first fallen in love with wolves until I began interviews for Heart of the Wolf and the question was asked so many times that I finally had to look deeper and discover when my very first interest in wolves came about. I have always been an avid reader of everything from true story adventures to the historical past and one of the books I enjoyed reading was about early man, and how they eventually domesticated the first “dogs.” So from a very early time, I didn’t see wolves as evil beasts, but as companions to men who raised them in the wilderness, or who in early times began to have “camp followers” who eventually became domesticated dogs.
What I love about wolves is how they choose a mate for life, and family and offspring mean everything to them. I loved using that concept to create my werewolves. But I also loved giving them human thought processes while they’re wolves, and enhanced wolf senses when they’re humans. When they take of their wolf coats, they’re still a wolf at heart.
I enjoy having them make fun of werewolf legends, or even giving the other side of the story in children’s tales about the big bad wolf. You know, there are always two sides to every story!
Thanks again for having me, Debbie! It’s been fun.
If you had a chance to be a werewolf, what would you love most about it?
“Giving new meaning to the term alpha male.”
Sourcebooks has graciously allowed me the opportunity to give away two copies of Seduced by the Wolf by Terry Spear!
The rules are simple:
1.) There will be two winners, U.S & Canadian entries only. These will be sent out directly from the publisher.
2.) You must be follower of this blog.
3.) You must leave a comment on this post with an e-mail address where I can contact you.
4.) Deadline for this giveaway is: Midnight EST, Tuesday September 7th.
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+25 for getting the word out about this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites (remember to leave your links)
It is really important to get the word out about the giveaway! It allows new followers to find out blog which increases the traffic and allows us to have more giveaways, Soooooo let's get the info out there!
Hi Debbie! Thanks so much for the great review and for having me!! I'll let everyone know first thing in the morning. I just got home and didn't realize this was up! :) Thanks again!
Thanx for coming by Terry!
I'm all over this Terry! Saw your tweet and here I am! Woo hooo, book giveaway from Terry! You are high on my TBR list.
Hi Terry,
Saw your fb post and had to show up. I want to win, but I'd also like to help!So I'll go ahead and tweet/fb it.
Keep writing!
Thanks so much, Beth! It's awful when giving away a book and no one comes to the party!! I'm thrilled I'm high on your TBR list! Thanks again!
Thanks so much, Rashda!! I needed help! So good to hear from you!!! :) Thanks!!
I just had to stop by and tell all of you who have Terry on your TBR list, that you should bump her up to the top! I found Heart of the Wolf by accident at my library a couple years ago and fell in love! I can't get my hands on her books fast enough now. Her vampire romance Deadly Liaisons is amazing too! I promise you won't be disappointed!!!
**you don't need to include me in the contest. I just wanted to throw out a shout for Terry's work!**
I usually have quite a few people responding to these kinds of giveaways... I'm sure it will pick up! I've tweeted and facebooked and all kinds of stuff.. promoted on other sites... etc. etc....
Thanks so much, Rhonda! I was honored that you fell in love with the books, considering how much you love vampires! I've still got to write a sequel for Deadly Liaisons! :)
Thanks, Debbie! Some places I've had a lot of response, and some, not so much. Just a better chance for some to win is all! :)
Come on people!!! Terry's books are terrific and must reads!
I have the newest book so don't want to be entered to win, but everyone else should try, you won't be disappointed!
LOL, thanks, Cat! Enjoy Leidolf's story!!! :)
Gosh, I'm a newbie to Terry's work, but it sure sounds interesting to me! I've loved wolves all my life, too. They're such regal, exquisite creatures...and sooo misunderstood. Can't wait to get a hold of them. Thanx to Cat,too, for telling me about Terry and about Debbie's blog!!
Ohmigosh, yes, Loribu, they're so misunderstood, and so are werewolves!!! I'm trying to set the world straight about them, a book at a time. LOL :)
Thanks, also, Cat! I have to say that Cat gave me a great idea for a heroine's woes, so might be in an upcoming book. Never know! I love readers' ideas!
Awesome giveaway! I just ordered this whole series and it came via UPS today. I got: Legend of the White Wolf, Seduced by the Wolf, Destiny of the Wolf, and To Tempt the Wolf! I saw an interview on another blog and ordered them all that night with 2 day shipping! I would still LOVE to be entered in the giveaway as I would be so excited to win a book and I have a friend who I could give the amazon copy to! If I had the chance to be a werewolf (wouldn't that be amazing!) the thing I would love the most would be the running!
Woohoo, Beverly!!! Thanks so much! Did you know I work at a library too? Fellow librarians need to unite!
Okay, now, my question to you is do you have Heart of the Wolf? It's in its 3rd printing!!! Both To Tempt the Wolf and Destiny of the Wolf are have already been reprinted also! :)
Enjoy the world of wolves!!!
This is such a Great Series. I love the Wolves. I've heard real wolves Howl. Terry's Wolves are the closest thing to running with real wolves in the wild as you can get. After reading her books. If you don't want a pack or wolf of your own. Check your pulse. They're habit forming. I want a furring one of my very own. Just think what they can do with their long Tongues.LOL!!!
I think it's so neat you can hear wolves howl, Donna! I want to visit you! :) And thanks so much for loving my wolves! Where I lived in Maryland, I used to hear lions roar. LOL Just when the wind blew a certain way and when the lions were roaring at the Baltimore zoo...
Hi Terry...I heard such great things about your work that I've already bought Seduced by the Wolf (not to worry if I win, I have a couple of book buddies who would love to be introduced to your work.;)
So, the deal is that it was suggested that I start with Heart of the Wolf and then Destiny of the Wolf. I've ordered them and am waiting for delivery of them now:)
Looking forward to trying your voice...obviously I've liked the excerpts and cover blurbs in addition to trusting my friend's recommendation (Diva Donna for one) since we like a lot of authors in common.
Thanks so much, Nancy!! If you need autographed book plates, just send me an SASE. I have book marks too. :)
Diva Donna won't steer you wrong! :) I hope you enjoy the hunky wolves! And if you win, that would be super if you introduced the wolves to your book buddies. They're always (the wolves that is) looking for new pack members, women particularly. They have a shortage, you know. :) Beta or alpha, they're interested!!!
Thanks Terry...HA. Diva Donna would steer me wrong in a heart beat and I'd follow because I would want to;)
Do I need more than .44 cents postage?
LOL, Nancy! Diva Donna's a good sport! :) With the horrible library move we're going through right now, she's been my cheerer upper!
That should work on the postage. Just put a note in there as to what you want. I receive the envelopes sometimes and can't remember what folks wanted! :)
I love Terry's books.
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Thanks, Jellybelly! I have a sinus headache that won't quit tonight, and your comment was welcome!
I've only read two of Terry's book, Seduced by the Wolf not one of them, but I have been itching to read the others, but you know how that goes with TBR piles. They just get higher and higher. Anyhow count me in.
+3 for new follower
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Oh, I love that name, Elise. I might have to use a name like that for one of my heroines! :)
Hmmm, now if you've only read 2 of the books, it seems to me some order needs to come from chaos, and even though the TBR pile is getting higher and higher, wolves, as wolves are bound to do, should be at the top of the heap. At least, ahem, my wolves should be! LOL :) Good luck!
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