Zombies have infested a fallen America. A young girl named Temple is on the run. Haunted by her past and pursued by a killer, Temple is surrounded by death and danger, hoping to be set free.
For twenty-five years, civilization has survived in meager enclaves, guarded against a plague of the dead. Temple wanders this blighted landscape, keeping to herself and keeping her demons inside her heart. She can't remember a time before the zombies, but she does remember an old man who took her in and the younger brother she cared for until the tragedy that set her on a personal journey toward redemption. Moving back and forth between the insulated remnants of society and the brutal frontier beyond, Temple must decide where ultimately to make a home and find the salvation she seeks.
This type of book is not one I would normally consider my cup of tea. That happens from time to time when you do reviews. But, this one really changed my mind about Zombie books. I didn't think I would like them, but I got caught up in this one from the beginning. It was interesting to read about America in such a different light and from a totally different perspective than I was used to. I've read other books that are set in America or England after some natural catastrophe or war, but never with Zombies. Made me think of the Will Smith movie, I am Legend when I was reading it.
The main character, Temple is a very engaging and full of idea's, but her path isn't an easy one. She has isolated memories from before the time of the Zombies, but she can't remember a lot. She is looking for a home away from all the chaos. It's as if she's on a journey not only to find a new life but to find herself in the midst of everything else. Bell, made her a very unforgettable character. I couldn't wait to find out what happened to her next. And a few Zombies thrown in, didn't take away from the book either, it really enhanced the story and gave it a very surreal kind of feel.
I can't say this is my favorite book ever, but it certainly opened my eyes to a new genre and type book to read. The writing was superb. The characterizations were spot on and I even liked the Zombies... LOL!
I am giving this one 3 out of 5 apples. Definitely a good book and many readers who haven't read this type of story before will find a new genre to enjoy!

I've not read Zombie tales before, so I'd give it a shot! Great review!
Ironically, this sounds like something I would totally read!
I have only read one zombie book "Day by Day Armeggedon" and was suprised when I enjoyed it. I will definately add this one to my TBR pile.
Enjoy zombie movies but never read a zombie book! Thanks for the recommendation.
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