Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Review and Giveaway: Captive

Captive: The Forbidden Side of Nightshade by A.D. Robertson

Publication Date: 10/22/2013
Publisher: Penguin Group
Imprint: Dutton
Genre: Adult Paranormal Romance
Pages: 320
ISBN-10: 0525954112
ISBN-13: 978-0525954118

(Received for an honest review from Dutton)

Purchase: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, IndieBound

A.D. Robertson on the WEB: Website, Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads

WARNING: This book is not suitable for readers under the age of 18.

Excerpt from Captive, courtesy of Barnes & Noble


The first adult novel set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Nightshade series,Captive delivers a steamy, forbidden romance between sworn enemies drawn together by an irrepressible desire.

Twenty-five-year-old Tristan Doran enjoys a life of incredible power and privilege. As a direct descendant of the Keepers—witches who have embraced dark magic—he defers to no one but his overlord, Lord Bosque Mar. For most of his life, Tristan has been kept out of the centuries-old Witches War, his bloodline too valuable to risk in battle.

But when a beautiful, young human Searcher named Sarah is captured and made a prisoner in his Irish castle, Tristan’s infatuation with her flings him headlong into the fray. Captive and captor, unable to contain their longing, embark on a passionate, forbidden romance together—only to learn that their love is at the heart of a prophecy predicting the downfall of the Keepers’ ages-old reign.

Captive explores the darker side of the richly imagined Nightshade universe, a fantasy world of powerful dark witches, shape-shifting wolf warriors, and fascinating history. The first of three erotic novels,Captive delves deeply into the fiery, illicit romance of two young lovers whose very desires invite their doom.


A.D. Robertson is the pen-name for highly acclaimed author Andrea Cremer. The Forbidden Side of Nightshade is a spin-off series that will feature three adult themed books from the Nightshade world, made famous in Cremer's young adult Nightshade series. This is a novel that adult fans of the series will love. It features the world they have grown to love in the YA series, while adding to the back story and bringing to the forefront new and amazing characters. Robertson instills this novel with dark sensuality and takes the reader on a journey into the lives of two very different captives.

I have to admit, when I found out this book was coming out, I was extremely excited. I don't read a lot of YA fiction but once in awhile something intriguing comes along and that's how I felt about the Nightshade series. Andrea Cremer created a world of dark magic witches and wolf guardians, as well as, a human element in the Searches that was captivating and gripping. That world is still evolving and is richly developed in this spin-off series. Captive is a book that will resonate with adult fans of the Nightshade series, while also creating a whole new audience for this expressive and sensual world.

Tristan has lived in the Irish castle of Tierney for his entire life. Sheltered, secluded and protected. It is a life of privilege and wealth, but it is essentially a prison. Bosque Mar keeps a tight reign on Tristan and anyone he comes in contact with. His blood line is too precious to risk in the age old war between the Searchers and the Keepers, but more importantly an ancient prophecy has foretold that the world of Keepers will one day be destroyed. Tristan's destiny lies in the prophecy and with a young human Searcher named Sarah. The premise of the book alone is pretty amazing. Robertson takes the tales and prophecies from Nightshade and gives them a more detailed explanation. We find out how the prophecy will affect Tristan and Sarah as well as the characters in the YA novels and that was really exciting. 

I liked the fact that Robertson does not shy away from the adult nature of this romance. Tristan and Sarah meet in a very unusual way, if you call finding a naked woman chained to your bed out of the ordinary. From the first time they meet each other there is something palpable between them. A tension or a spark that given time becomes a smoldering longing that neither can deny. I loved the romance between them. It was based on respect and trust and the things that make this kind of love amazing. Tristan is just as much a captive as Sarah is and it takes the both of them to set each other free in more ways than one. 

The characterizations were deep and full of surprises. I did't expect to like Tristan because I thought it would be arrogant and self-centered but that's not how Robertson wrote him at all. Sarah is strong and determined and very skillful with weapons and warfare. While Tristan is refined and educated. Opposites certainly attract and the romance has that forbidden quality because Tristan and Sarah are basically mortal enemies. Robertson made them come alive through poignant dialogue and sizzling scenes that fit the story and were not thrown in for show. 

I really enjoyed this novel and I'm looking forward to seeing what else readers will get to discover about the Nightshade world. This book can be read as a stand alone easy enough, but I think reading the YA series will help the reader understand why certain things are important. Both are excellent series' written by a very talented author. Captive is strong in premise and in characterization. It is definitely an adult novel and not suitable for young readers. But let's face it. It's nice to read a good book, that isn't meant for a teen audience once in a while. Adults tend to crave adult themes and situations and I thought having this companion series was a wonderful idea. It gives satisfaction to those desires, while still being set in a very seductive and creative world. An excellent start to what looks to be an exciting and vibrant spin off series.

Captive is available TODAY from your favorite bookseller. 

I'm giving this one 5 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

About the Author:

A. D. ROBERTSON is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author. Prior to becoming a full-time novelist, Robertson was a professor of early modern history at Macalester College, giving her a background that informs her books’ compelling blend of mythology,
history, and lore. She grew up in northern Wisconsin and now lives in New York City.

Giveaway Details:

The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Captive by A.D. Robertson.

~ You must be an email subscriber to participate.
~ US Addresses only.
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST, November 5th.

1. Please leave a comment describing your favorite exotic flower or location.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


LorettaLynn said...

exotic flower? Well I don't know if it is or not. But I Love Fire and Ice Roses! There Blue with Whit on the very top. Very sexy :)

Carl Scott said...

There is a little Jasmine tree outside our house in Mexico that just began to grow when we moved in, totally on its own. Now five years later, it's a mass of beautiful yellow flowers brightening the neighborhood.

jmcgaugh said...

Orchids are my favorite exotic flower.

bn100 said...

like France

Unknown said...

My favorite exotic flower is the orchid and my favorite exotic location is the coast of Italy. Thanks for the giveaway.

justpeachy36 said...

Orchids are definitely my favorites too! Such beautiful flowers. My favorite exotic location is Tuscany in Spain.

Unknown said...

I love water lilies. They come in such beautiful colors and shapes.
I would love to visit Thailand. So many wonderful exotic locations their and beautiful scenery.
The book sounds fantastic. Definitely adding to my to read list.

lag123 said...

Bird of Paradise.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Unknown said...

I love Calla Lillies. I don't know if youd classify them as exotic but theyre beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love lillies. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com