Thursday, March 11, 2010

Review: Flaherty's Crossing

My Synopsis:

Flaherty's Crossing by Kaylin McFarrin

(For review from Pump Up Your Book Promotions - Blog Tour Dates February 1 - March 26)

Flaherty's Crossing is a story about faith and forgiveness. Kate Flaherty is at a crossroads in her life. The father she has never been close to is on his death bed and she must figure out how to tell him goodbye. Her marriage is hanging in the balance and she is faced with many life changing decisions.

An accident on a lonely night brings her entire life to the edge. An old diner in the middle of nowhere seems like her only refuge. Kate's heart rending discussion with the man in the diner turns sinister as she flee's for her life. Will Kate be able to find forgiveness in her heart for her father? Will her marriage end in failure or will love overcome?

My Thoughts:

Kaylin McFarrin weaves a story about forgiveness and the power of love in Flaherty's Crossing. I really enjoyed this book. Kate's relationship with her father seems to have hinged on the death of her mother. His drastic change in manner and behavior toward her since that night has shaped her relationships with others. She just doesn't seem to trust anyone, not even her husband. I believe that readers will definitely be able to relate to Kate and her struggles with trust.

It was easy to follow the story as more and more seemed to come out about Kate and her father, throughout the book. There were certain elements of the story that I found very refreshing and surprising. I don't want to ruin the effect so I won't mention them here, but when you read it, if you are anything like me, you'll have that a-ha moment!

The storytelling is exceptional, readers will find themselves trying to figure out whats going to happen next. It's a very tender and emotional story with the themes of forgiveness and having faith in oneself coming through effortlessly.

This is a book that I would highly recommend to my readers. I give this one a 5 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

Here's is some more information about the author, Kaylin McFarrin.

Linda Yoshida, aka Kaylin McFarren, is a rare bird indeed. Not a migratory sort, she prefers to hug the West Coast and keep family within visiting range. Although she has virtually been around the world, she was born in California, relocated with her family to Washington, and nested with her husband in Oregon. In addition to playing an active role in his business endeavors, she has been involved in all aspects of their three daughters' lives - taxi duties, cheerleading coaching, script rehearsals, and relationship counseling, to name but a few. Now she enjoys spending undisciplined time with her two young grandsons and hopes to have many more.

Although Kaylin wasn't born with a pen in hand like so many of her talented fellow authors, she has been actively involved in both business and personal writing projects for many years. As the director of a fine art gallery, she assisted in furthering the careers of numerous visual artists who under her guidance gained recognition through promotional opportunities and in national publications. Eager to spread her own creative wings, she has since steered her energy toward writing novels. As a result, she has earned more than a dozen literary awards and was a 2008 finalist in the prestigious RWA® Golden Heart contest.

Kaylin is a member of RWA, Rose City Romance Writers, and Willamette Writers. She received her AA in Literature at Highline Community College, which originally sparked her passion for writing. In her free time, she also enjoys giving back to the community through participation and support of various charitable and educational organizations in the Pacific Northwest.

Look for Flaherty's Crossing from your favorite booksellers, available soon!

If you go to this web address, you can find out more about Flaherty's Crossing and view the book trailer. There is also an area to purchase the e-book version.


Anonymous said...

Great review! Sounds very good!

Kaylin McFarren said...

Debbie: Thank you for this great review!! If any of your readers are interested, Flaherty's Crossing is now on sale in eBook format at (And Happy St. Paddy's Day everyone! :D)

justpeachy36 said...

Thanks Kaylin! I can add a place for them to buy Flaherty's Crossing from Amazon.

justpeachy36 said...

Couldn't get the Amazon link to work, but I put up the link from your website. I love the book trailer by the way!

Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks Debbie. So glad you liked the trailer too! I shot a note to this morning and do hope they get this problem resolved. I'd hate to think anyone would have an issue with linking up or finding copies of Flaherty's Crossing. But just in case, here's the direct purchase address at and btw, this book is on sale:

Victoria Roder said...

Congratulations on the wonderful review!

Adele said...

I have heard a lot of buzz on this book and will have to check it out!

Susan said...

This is a very inspiring story by a very cool lady :)

Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks everyone! I truly appreciate all your wonderful support. :)

squiresj said...

This is an author who's books I am trying to win one so I can see how she writes. Please enter me.
I just joined her newsletter

justpeachy36 said...

squiresj I'm not having a giveaway for this book at this time.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Hi squiresj: Just by leaving a comment at every stop in my Virtual Book Tour (listed at, you're automatically entered in my amazing giveaway contest which includes copies of Flaherty's Crossing, t-shirts, bookmarks, a gift basket and even a Sony Pocket Reader valued at $180. :)
Good luck!

justpeachy36 said...

Wow! Great giveaway. I'll give you a plug on my Saturday Giveaway Post tomorrow, Kaylin.

Ellz said...

Great review, though it sounds like a really sad read. Thanks for sharing info about the author too.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks, justpeachy36!! And Elie, although it sounds like a sad read, I assure you this is truly an uplifting adventure in life. :)

dobby said...

Sounds great! Always happy to add a new author to the TBR.

Martha Eskuchen said...

Glad to see this really good review. I liked the sound of this book when I saw the trailer! Glad you liked it!

Llehn said...

What a glowing review! I don't normally read something like this but I am intrigued now.

Mystica said...

Great review and nice cover!

throuthehaze said...

Great review! Not something I would typically read but it actually sounds pretty good

Kaylin McFarren said...

For anyone who's hesitant because of the opening subject matter, all I can say is give it a shot. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised...

Shy said...

Very interesting to see how the plot of this book moves from one to the next. Quite curious to see how this book turns out to be in the end.