Grab your current read.
Open to a random page.
Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and the author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.
As many of you know, I read and review several books each week. So I decided to put up a teaser from each book. (And no, I never get them all confused.. LOL!)
Never A Bride by Amelia Grey, page 26. " Mirabella smiled, confidence filling her. All week she had been kissing gentlemen for whom she had no feelings whatsover. Now she was going to kiss a man because she want to."
The Shadows in the Street by Susan Hill, page 95. "Abi looked away. Why did they have to do that? She wasn't a prostitute first, she was girl, just a girl, no need to label her. Would they do that to her? Abi Righton, 23, prostitute. She shook her head to clear the words out of it."
For the King's Favor by Elizabeth Chadwick, page 219. "Roger almost snorted at the notion of Henry's feckless heir being of any use to anyone, but checked himself. When Henry died, that feckless heir would be their King, and would have his own favorites and preferences to promote."
Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang, page 283. "She could think of nothing else to say, and so she backed away from the table, feeling the chair behind her. Awkwardly she stepped around it, each movement so tense she thought her bones might crack from being put to use in such a state. Somehow she made it to the door."
River Rising by T.P. Jones, page 215. " The pages, unfolding in mid-flight, began to come apart and dived, like a shot quail, toward the floor. Paul stared, his mouth working, in the grip of his anger, even as his mind told him again what he had been telling himself for months. He should have left Jackson while he had the chance!"
How to Sew a Button: And Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew by Erin Bried, page 199. "Saving... With the future uncertain, you'll feel much better with money in your pocket than, say, a fancy new bag on your arm."
Great teasers! I'm intrigued about all of these books now....
Click my name for the link....
Great bunch of Teasers. I liked Never A Bride. Why did she feel she had to be kissing all those men even though she didn't want to ? Curious.
Here's my Tuesday Teaser
The last one is so true in today's society it's scary!
Great teasers! My teaser is here.
From the Shadows
Enjoy your books. Mine's from Opur's Blade by James Ross.
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