DEB'S SELF: Well, Deb we are really glad to have you with us today on Debbie's Book Bag. We'd like to get to know a little bit more about you.
DEB: Thanks for having me, self! You've got a great blog here, I love your background! (snicker)
DEB'S SELF: Thank-you, Deb. I get lots of compliments on it. So, tell us about yourself, when did you start blogging?
DEB: I started blogging last December and I've loved every minute of it. I had no idea the blog community was such a fun bunch of people who had the same interests that I do.
DEB'S SELF: How did you get started blogging?
DEB: I stumbled onto blogging by accident looking for author competitions to enter for books. I wound up on Parajunkee's View, an amazing blog. The rest is history. I decided I wanted others to know what I thought about books too!
DEB'S SELF: What is your day job? What do you do in your every life?
DEB: I am a freelance writer. I work in internet media as well as print. Newspaper's, magazines, websites and other avenues where writing is essential.
DEB'S SELF: Do you have any ambitions in writing a novel some day?
DEB: Yes, actually I do. I have a novel currently in the works. I hope to see published sometime in the near future, I'll keep you posted.
DEB'S SELF: When you aren't writing for a deadline, what kinds of books do you like to read?
DEB: I have very eclectic tastes when it comes to books. I love something from just about every genre and I probably have a favorite author in each one!
DEB'S SELF: Tell us some of your favorites.
DEB: Well, lets see... In historical romance, one favorite author would be Laura Kinsale; In contemporary romance, probably Debbie Macomber or Sherryl Woods; In paranormal romance, hands down Lydia Dare. In Christian Fiction, Suzanne Woods Fisher and Susan Sundan. In thrillers, James Patterson and in horror or suspense, Dean Koontz. I could name soooo many more.
DEB'S SELF: Deb we would really like to thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk with us today and we look forward to hearing more from you.
DEB: Oh you will... you will! (wink)
LOL... that was fun, hope you got a kick out of that....
Lol, great post, Deb!! I really enjoyed it.
me too, that was a blast!
Haha great job. I love it!
You're not the only one to self-interview. I think it's a great idea. If I had known you were in need, we could have swapped. I just opted out of writing a post for it all together.
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