Check out the giveaway details following the interview...
DEB: Kathryne, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
KATHRYNE: I’m a storyteller, and love to create new worlds of magic, adventure and passion. I have two sons, have been married for a looong time, I’m goofy about my two little Chihuahuas, and have a fondness for artichoke hearts and chicken paprikosh. And chocolate. Especially chocolate.
DEB: Tell us about your new series, The Elven Lords and the first book, The Fire Lord's Lover.
KATHRYNE: The Elven Lords series is a magical new world based in the eighteenth century Georgian era. Seven mad elves have opened the barrier between the worlds and taken over England with their magic and beauty, turning the king into nothing but a trophy for their elven war games. In Book One, The Fire Lord’s Lover, my half-elven hero, Dominic Raikes, finds that his arranged marriage to Lady Cassandra Bridges brings him much more than he bargained for. Trained as an assassin to murder Dominic’s father, the last thing Cass expects is to fall in love with her new husband. But dark magic and secrets threatens not only their newfound love, but also their very lives.
DEB: What was your inspiration for these books? Have you always had an interest in elves?
KATHRYNE: I have always loved what I consider ‘true’ elven, the Sidhe, and when I saw the movie, The Lord of the Rings, I fell in love with Legolas, and knew right then that I wanted a romance revolving around those beautiful characters. (Although in the book I had fallen for Aragorn, the quiet man of the forest. So I do have an elven lord whose magic is for tree and plant.)
DEB: What type of research did you do for this book/series?
KATHRYNE: A lot of research into the Georgian era (eighteenth century), including a lot of time on the clothing (took me forever to determine if women wore panties or not). I have to understand the world I’m writing in, so it’s like going back to college and crash-studying all over again. Even though I alter everything with magic, I need a solid basis for the historical world so I can ground my reader in it.
DEB: What is your normal writing day like? Do you have things that have to be in place to write comfortably?
KATHRYNE: I definitely need an organized environment. Everything has its place, and heaven help me if it’s not in it, cause I can’t resist the urge to fix it.
DEB: How long have you been writing and what was it like when you got the word that your first novel would be published?
KATHRYNE: My first book, Beneath the Thirteen Moons, was published in 2003 (and it’s re-releasing in MM paperback in December of this year by Sourcebooks Casablanca) but I was writing short stories before that, learning the craft and building credentials. When I first heard that the editor was going to take a chance on such a different book, I can remember doing a happy dance around my office, and hoping that what I loved to write (a blend of world-building & romance) would find an audience. Prior to that happy day, I was receiving rejections from fantasy publishers that it had too much romance, and rejections from romance publishers that it had too much fantasy.
DEB: Do have any advice for new writers?
KATHRYNE: Be true to your creative process. Learn everything about the craft, and then use what makes sense to you.
DEB: When you’re not writing, what kinds of books do you like to read? Do you have a favorite author?
KATHRYNE: Fantasy and romance, and most especially a blend of the two. I have several favorite authors, including Robin McKinley, Julie Garwood, Patricia Briggs, Patricia McKillip, Andre Norton, Erin Quinn…and those are just off the top of my head.
DEB: What are you working on right now?
KATHRYNE: Book Two in The Elven Lords series, titled The Lady of the Storm. This is Cecily’s story, the elven half-breed that was rescued in The Fire Lord’s Lover. And of course I’m in love with the hero Giles, a man with a cursed sword and a passion for the Rebellion. I’m just finishing the end, which is always a bit sad for me, because I’m leaving the characters. But not the world, thank goodness, for I’ll be starting Book Three very soon.
DEB: Tell us one thing that people may not know about you?
KATHRYNE: I guess one of my guilty secrets is that I love reality TV shows. I watch almost every one of them. I’m fascinated by the different personalities of the participants, and how the same situations can bring out the best, and the worst, in people.
Thank you so much, Deb, for having me here today! It’s been a pleasure to answer such interesting questions, and I look forward to meeting your readers.
My Magical Best,
Thanks to Sourcebooks I have the opportunity to offer 2 copies of, The Fire Lord's Lover, for giveaway. The rules are pretty simple and this is easily one of my favorite books of the year.
1.) There will be two winners, U.S and Canadian only, the books will be sent from the publisher.
2.) You must be a follower of this blog.
3.) You must leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address, so I can contact you.
4.) Deadline for the giveaway is midnight, EST on July 16th.
+ 5 for following me on Twitter @justpeachy36
+5 for being an old follower
+3 for being a new follower
+5 for entering any other contest I have going on right now (check sidebar)
+5 adding the giveaway to your sidebar
+10 for getting the word out about this giveaway on Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites (remember to leave your links)
Hi Deb! I just had to leave a comment and thank you for saying that TFLL is easily one of your fav books for the year. You sure know how to make a writer feel terrific! Thanks a million!
I love reality TV aswell. Especially the one on VH1 but I like others to. I am not sure where you want us to leave the links at if we put it on FB or twitter. I'll check back.
I'm of Scottish ancestry and the Sidhe have always been alluring to me in fiction and how they are portrayed. I loved the book it was great.. Can't wait for the next one.
Just comeback after you've posted the giveaway other places and put your links in a comment here on this post. I will sort it all out... Thanks for participating!
Ok I am a new follower here (Brandy/Brandlwyne) and bookmarked you. (do you have a newsletter) I'm following you on twitter @brandlwyne On Facebook I have 2(Book Contest-Win Free Books & My profile)
I am also getting ready to enter a few of your contests, I'll let you know!!!
Hi Brandlwine! It's terrific of you to follow me on my tour. :} I see that your question was answered, and I'll look for you to come back. :}
Hi Deb! So glad I didn't disappoint in portraying my version of the Sidhe. I have a bit of Irish ancestry, so it's great to meet another with ties to that part of the world.
So good to be sharing today with you!
Although I'm of Scottish heritage, I never connected that with my love of folklore, especially that of the British Isles. I'm anticipating acquiring a copy of The Fire Lord's Lover.
Sign up for the giveaway, Pat you could be a winner! Just drop me your e-mail address!
I entered the finding marco giveaway and I'm checking out the others
Hi Pat! That's terrific to hear! Best wishes in the giveaway.
You go, Brandlwyne! :}
Hi Kathryne. I how are you today? Got any good holiday plans?
I entered Ashlyn Chase's contest...
Kathryne do you have a twitter acct? I put the contest on twitter @brandlwyne
I entered Shana Galen's contest...
I'm great today, thanks for asking! Yes, I do have a twitter, it's https://twitter.com/KathryneKennedy. Would love for you to connect with me!
And I've heard that Shana's book is excellent! I'm looking forward to reading it.
The interview was very good. Thanks for this. Please dont count me in for this one.(am overseas)
Hi Mystica! So terrific of you to take the time to leave a comment, when you can't be entered in the contest. Deb has such kind readers! Take care.
No need to enter me in this giveaway. I just wanted to pop in and say that it's nice to meet Kathryne. I think Elven Lords sound intriguing and that I hope I have an opportunity to read it. Oh, and yeah, chocolate rules :D
Hi Liehn! So great to hear from you! Thx a million for leaving such a kind comment.
And yes, chocolate rules!
I'm signing off for the night, and just wanted to thank you again, Deb, for having me here today. It was such a pleasure!
And thank you to everyone that commented. You made me feel so welcome, and I enjoyed all the great comments.
My best to all!
Thanx for joining us Kathryne!
I'd love to enter! Thanks!
+5 for following you on Twitter @aikchien
+5 for being an old follower
+5 for entering Finding Marco Giveaway!
+5 adding the giveaway to my sidebar
+10 for getting the word out about this giveaway on my blog
aikychien at yahoo dot com
This sounds so interesting!
+5 old follower
+5 follow on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I have been following Kathryne's blog tour. The Fire Lord's Lover sounds so good & I am already in love with the hero. Come on, his best pal is a dragon! KK's creativity is amazing.
Thank you!
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
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+5 Twitter follower (@scorpio1m)
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