And all the while Lara's son, the charming but nefarious Twilight Lord, Kolgrim, waits patiently for his moment. But Kolgrim will not make his father's mistakes by waging war. His way is more subtle, and sinister. Despite Lara's formidable powers she fears there is little to be done. Yet before all is lost she will fulfill the long-ago prophecy of her daughter Anoush to unite the world of Hetar.
And as the darkness falls Lara finds that more than ever she needs the wisdom, the love and the support of the great Shadow Prince, Kaliq. While her youngest daughter, Marzina, will prove to all that she is more than just her mother's daughter. In her greatest trial yet, Lara and Kaliq will finally meet her long foretold destiny together.
This is the sixth and final book in Bertice Small's World of Hetar series. Crown of Destiny begins over a hundred years after the time period of the 5th book in the series, The Shadow Queen. Lara, the Faerie woman has protected and saved the land of Terah many times throughout the series, but a lot of time has passed and the people of the land have almost forgotten about her. She has lived quietly with her love, the Shadow Prince, Kaliq, watching her children grow and watching as the world of Hetar changes around her.
Now she is being called upon once again to stand up for her land but the culprit in this case is her son, The Twilight Lord, Kolgrim. He's charming and resourceful, yet he's also sinister and nefarious. He has been bidding his time waiting to find a bride who will be able enhance is powers so that he can take over the land and destroy it. Marzina, Lara's younger daughter has the potential to save the land but, she could choose power instead.
This final book in the series has several themes. The relationship's that bind families together being the biggest one and how the children can often turn out very differently than the parents. Lara's relationship with each of her children and the human people in her life changes the ebb and flow of the story. The end is filled with a lot of hope for the ties that bind people together whether through love or family.
Small continues to give her novels a lot of heat and passion and Crown of Destiny is no disappointment in this area. This isn't a novel for youngsters but adults will be totally absorbed in the love that Lara and Kaliq share. This is a book and series that will resonate with lovers of fantasy and world building. I found it very interesting loved the way that Small was able to portray Terah and how it functioned. It was an excellent ending to a widely read series.
I give this one 4 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

This sounds very interesting. I have one of her books on my shelf, and am anxious to get to it. I will look for series at the beginning. Thanks for the recommendation.
I love hopefully endings. We all need a little hope in our lives!
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