Check out the giveaway details following the interview!
DEB: Mary, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
MARY: I let the parrot boss me around…um…oh…excuse me. I meant to say, I adore sinking into my fantasies for long hours and…well...maybe that’s not sound quite right either, lol. Honestly, I’m a slightly silly excuse for a person who often has more daring than sense. The parrot does boss me around and he gets away with throwing food on the floor, something I didn’t let my kids get away with for long. I really adore writing, and historicals are my favorite.
DEB: Tell us a little about your new book, To Conquer a Highlander?
MARY: Torin and Shannon are caught on opposite sides of powerful factions in Scotland. Torin wants to stand behind the boy king, James the Second after his father is murdered. Shannon’s father is making alliances with the faction that murdered the king and she’s been sent to wed into that clan to seal the bargain. History is rich with power struggles like this, times when a new faction took control because a child wore the crown. Torin takes Shannon back to his holding to keep her wedding from happening. Both are loyal to their clans but that doesn’t stop them from discovering passion for one another.
DEB: What was your inspiration for these books? Have you always been interested in the Scottish highlands?
MARY: I love reading history. Strange as that may sound, I find myself enthralled with the details of some, long dead kings life and I wonder how the people living during those times must have been involved. Just as we all have opinions on what is going on today, the people living through these times must have cared. That’s where I find my love stories, caught up among the facts and dates.
DEB: What type of research did you do for your books?
MARY: Beyond the reading, I also make historical clothing. I’ve spent an entire week in 1500’s dress and living conditions…well…we had soap, I wasn’t willing to go that far. But I learned a great deal in having to wear the clothing twenty four hours a day and cook using the fire and only having light when the sun was up. Candle light is different and magical in a way. You notice more sounds and slow down just a little when you’re talking. If someone takes the time to play music, it’s festive and having someone read to you while you’re working in the kitchen quite nice.
DEB: What is your normal writing day like? Do you have things that have to be in place to write comfortably?
MARY: I have a desk, squeezed into my sewing room. Writing for me is a discipline. I keep myself to a normal work schedule and that takes a little doing.
DEB: What was it like when you got the word that your first novel would be published?
MARY: There was nothing like picking up the phone and hearing someone on the other end introduce herself…because I knew that name alright and I tried not to shout like a lunatic!
DEB: Do have any advice for new writers?
MARY: Write. You can’t sell an idea. Write often.
DEB: When you’re not writing, what kinds of books do you like to read? Do you have a favorite author?
MARY: I read all sorts of books. At the moment, I’m reading a lot of historicals.
DEB: What are you working on right now?
MARY: Odd as it is…nothing. I’m between book contracts and working on ideas.
DEB: Tell us one thing that people may not know about you?
MARY: I’m a second degree black belt in tae kwon do.
Thanks so much to Mary for giving us this great in sight into her book and her life as an author!
Thanks to Sourcebooks I have the opportunity to offer 2 copies, of To Conquer a Highlander, for giveaway. The rules are pretty simple.
1.) There will be two winners, U.S and Canadian only, the books will be sent from the publisher.
2.) You must be a follower of this blog.
3.) You must leave a comment on this post with your e-mail address, so I can contact you.
4.) Deadline for the giveaway is Midnight, EST on August 5th.
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The book looks so good but do not count me in as I am an overseas reader.
I love Highlander books :)
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A great review and I would like to win this book.
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cenya2 at hotmail dot com
Please count me in, been looking forward to Mary's novel!
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