Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Review and Giveaway: Sleight of Paw

Sleight of Paw (Magical Cats - Book 2) by Sofie Kelly

Publication Date: September 2011
Publisher: Penguin Group USA
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Pages: Paperback, 336pp
ISBN-13: 9780451234537
ISBN: 0451234537

(Received for an honest review from Obsidian)

Purchase: Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, IndieBound

Sofie Kelly on the WEB: website

Excerpt from Sleight of Paw


Small town librarian Kathleen Paulson is the owner of two very special cats, Owen and Hercules, who possess some unusual gifts in addition to skills for sleuthing...

Kathleen never wanted to be the crazy cat lady. But when Owen and Hercules followed her home from mysterious Wisteria Hill, she realized her mind wasn't playing tricks on her: Her cats have magical abilities. And when a body is found near Kathleen's favorite local cafe, she knows Owen's talent for turning invisible and Hercules' ability to walk through closed doors will give the felines access to clues Kathleen couldn't get without arousing suspicion.

With her pet partners, and perhaps the assistance of a certain handsome detective, Kathleen is determined to find out who killed Agatha Shepherd, an elderly woman who seems to have helped almost everyone in town at one time or another. Someone is hiding dark secrets, and it will take a bit of fur-tive investigating to catch the coldhearted killer.


Who could resist two felines with paranormal abilities? In book two of the Magical Cats series, Sleight of Paw, readers are treated once again to antics of Owen and Hercules. One cat walks through walls and one cat can turn invisible. When Agatha Shepherd a former school teacher who is beloved by the town of Mayville ends up dead, it's up Kathleen and her kitties to find the killer before the wrong person ends up on the other side of the prison bars.

Sofie Kelly's feline investigators take center stage in Sleigh of Paw, as their magical abilities help librarian Kathleen Paulson find the clues to Mayville, Minnesota's latest murder. Kelly seems to have an understanding of cat behavior. She is able to draw in both cozy fans and cat lovers to this great series. It's light on the drama and heavy on humor. I found myself smiling at the antics of these two cats several times. I think the author did an amazing job of getting the readers attention and then focusing on the mystery, adding twists and turns that nobody will see coming.

The characters we learned to like in Curiosity Thrilled the Cat are just as interesting in Sleight of Paw. We learn more about Kathleen as she struggles with whether or not to remain in Mayville when her temporary job ends. Her friends Roma, Maggie and Ruby are coming more into focus in this book as well as Kathleen's relationship with a local detective. The author is able to delve a little more into character development with this second book, since the scene has already been set with the first book. This one can easily be read as a stand alone, but those who had read the first one will see the growth of the series as they read.

Overall I thought this was a great addition to the series. The author uses magic in a very subtle way that doesn't overwhelm the book. The characters are interesting and have a lot of potential as their back stories begin to unfold. The mystery aspect of the book is very tightly plotted and well written. There were just enough suspects and lots of cunning motives. The author adds in the right amount of twists and turns to keep the reader guessing to the end. A great cozy for a snuggly autumn day! 

Sleight of Paw is available NOW from your favorite bookseller.

I'm giving this one 4 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

Sofie Kelly is an author and mixed-media artist who lives on the East Coast with her husband and daughter. In her spare time she practices Wu-style tai chi and likes to prowl around thrift stores. And she admits to having a small crush on Matt Lauer.


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Sleight of Paw by Sofie Kelly for one lucky winner here at Debbie's Book Bag!

~ You must be a Google Friend Connect follower to participate.
~ US addresses only! (Publisher Request)
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST November 4th.

1. Please leave a comment in appreciation to the author on THIS post.
2. Please fill out the FORM.


Linda Kish said...

This sounds like a fun story. I'd like to get to know Owen and Hercules.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

cyn209 said...

read the 1st book in this series!! can't wait to read this book!!!!

thank you for the giveaway!!!!

lag123 said...

I must get the first book and get started on the series!

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I would love to read this series. It sounds very good. Tore923@aol.com

Theresa N. said...

I love cats and mysteries, there the cats meow. :)
Theresa N

mamabunny13 said...

I would love to read this series. It's sounds like a good one. I have the first one on my wish list,now this one. Thanks.
mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

Karen B said...

A library, some magical cats and a Minnesota setting - what's now to love!

ann said...

sounds like a book I would enjoy reading
and I like cats to

amhengst at verizon dot net

My Recent Favorite Books said...

This sounds like a wonderful cozy cat mystery!

Sue Farrell said...

What a perfect series---I'm from Minnesota and I love cats! Thanks so much.

Dianne11 said...

Not a series I am familar with but look good.

Dolly said...

Kitties! I'll have to get the 1st book too!

holdenj said...

Looks like a fun series, congrats to Sofie! I'm from MN too and I always like a home state setting!

misskallie2000 said...

I love Cozy Mysteries. Being the servant of 4 cats I know I will enjoy Sofie's book. I believe my cats understand what I am say if only I could understand them. lol

Old GFC Follower

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com