Friday, March 26, 2010

The Friday Five

I'm starting something new this week. It's something I'm going to call the Friday Five. The Friday Five will consist of several different things. One week it may be five covers that I love and want to share. The next week it may be five book recommendations with synopsis. It could even be five reviews that I've found on other blogs that I find particularly interesting. Whatever it is each week, it will include a five in some way.

I'm not doing away with the Friday Spotlight. I'm just moving it to once a month. Or I may include 5 blogs and make it a part of the Friday Five from time to time. Regardless, it isn't gone forever. I just wanted to try something new and different.

This weeks Friday Five will be five book covers that I really like. They might be beautiful covers, covers that are different or ugly covers LOL... You decide which you think it is and let me know in the comments. What do these five covers have in common. LOL... It should be obvious!


Ellz said...

Great idea for a meme. I gives you a lot of freedom and variety.

Ellz said...

oh yeah, vampire tales.