It's week eleven and here are the questions and my answers for the week:
1.) Do you have a Veteran in your family? (living or in the past)
Our family has always been somewhat of a military family. So we have several members who have passed on who served in various wars. Both of my mom's brothers served in World War II. I have other uncles who served in Korea, Vietnam and the Gulf and still other nephews, cousins and the like who are recently returned from Iraq or currently serving Afghanistan.

2.) Where were you born?
Many of you know I am from the great state of Kentucky. I live in a small town half way in between Lexington and Ashland along I-64. I have a house in the country, that borders the Daniel Boone National Forest. It's a rural area, but bigger towns are close by.

3.) Have you seen any good movies lately, in the theater or on DVD? Recommend one for us to watch.
Legendary with John Cena, Danny Glover and Patrica Clarkson and Devon Graye just came out on DVD not too long ago. Check out the trailer!
That movie does look good, and my kids are wrestling fans so they would love that John Cena is in it!!
One thing I have learned from question #1 is I need to do more research on my ancestors as I know many have served but not in what capacity.
btw-I love living in Wisconsin except the cold winters play havoc with my aches and pains and the mosquitoes that ruin the wonderful summer days.
Have a great weekend!!!
Hi Deb-
Thanks to your family members who have served in the military too.
So you still live where you were born? Cool.
The trailer is interesting but I am not much into wrestling movies. My DH might like it though.
Have a good week.
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