It's week twelve and here are the questions and my answers for this week:
1.) Do/did your kids or grandkids take part in sports organized by school or recreation departments?
My daughters have been active in sports and sports related activities through our recreation department here at home for a long time. There most favorite was and always will be soft ball, but they have enjoyed gymnastics and cheer-leading over the years.

2.) Were you involved in any sports while growing up?
I didn't play sports growing up that much, because my dad worked all the time and my mom didn't drive for the longest time. So I didn't get started with that kind of thing until high school and again I played soft ball. It's kind of been a thing for our family. But, I was also a band geek and hung with the flag corp as well.

3.) How are you planning to spend Thanksgiving?
Thanksgiving day both of my daughters will be with their daddy, so I'll probably be on my own for a bit. I'm taking part in the Thankfully Reading Weekend, so I'll be busy reading. On Saturday my family will be having our Thanksgiving dinner and I'm looking forward to having the girls home for that.

It must be hard having to split times with your daughters. It is hard when my grandson leaves here to spend days with his daddy and his other grandparents. I be thinking of you on Thanksgiving curled up reading, a great way to spend any day!!!
It is hard, but I know it's important that they spend time with him as well. So, I get through it, and reading is the best way!
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