This is week 8! Here are the questions and my answers:
1.) Do you ever feel like no one is reading your blog?
I think everybody feels like that part of the time. Usually you have a few tried and true commenters and then you wonder about the rest. I especially start to wonder when no one is commenting on my reviews. But, I know how I am too. A lot of times I read the reviews on other blogs, but don't make a comment. I visit every blog that I subscribe to by e-mail everyday, but... I don't always comment. So that may be the thing that's going on with your blog as well.
2.) Would this meme work better on a different day?
For me it wouldn't, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't for others. I have a meme for each day of the week and this is my Thursday meme. If you do move it, that doesn't mean I won't participate, but it would be less likely. However, if others would like a different day, you have to do what is beneficial for the majority!
3.) Do you think there are already too many meme's like this one in the blosphere, should I stop this one?
I think you need to give it more time to catch on myself, I think it takes a long time to really get other people involved and willing to participate. I have been doing some serious promoting for you this week, but you never know what other bloggers are gonna do... LOL! Those memes that have such a big following have been going on for a really long time. Give it some more time and see what happens...
4.) If we continue with Enquiring Minds, do you have advice or changes you would like to see.
I think the meme is fine the way it is so far, I like the idea of questions each week. They aren't too personal, yet they let the blog community know more about who you are and what you are all about.
I get some postings that get no response at all and am stil trying to work out why.
I, personally, try to catch up with everyone's postings but dont always have time to comment.
Do hope Dollycas keeps going with this one. I do join in when I can but try not to fill my blog up with memes.
have a good week!
Thank you so much, I got a little unsure when I saw 2 extremely similar memes pop up the past couple of weeks and then noticed one very similar that started before mine, that I had never seen. It works so well on Thursdays for me too. Will wait to see other responses before I make a decision but I really love this meme.
Hi Deb-
I am like you. I read posts and sometimes visit but don't always get to comment. I know how hard it is for me to comment so I take that into mind when I don't have comments on my blog. :)
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