Grab your current read.
Open to a random page.
Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and the author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.
I generally do things a little bit differently. I usually read and review up to 5 or 6 books a week and I like to post a teaser from each one. This week is extra big as I've got a few reviews to catch up on, so I've got two a day planned from these 12 books...

Some great teasers there!
Some great books! Clockwork Angel is definitely finding it's way into my Not So Bebe Girl Autumn's Christmas book box, and Noah's Compass and Desiree look to be right up MY alley! Thanks for the teasers! Here's mine: http://jewelknits.blogspot.com/2010/10/teaser-tuesdays-october-12-2010.html
Julie @ Knitting and Sundries
Whoa so many teasers! But I like the Clockwork Angel quote most, because I LOVED this book:)
If you like to check out mine: http://misspageturnerscityofbooks.blogspot.com/2010/10/teaser-tuesday-2.html
You have some great books here that I'm really interested in reading...Krista Higgins, All I Ever Wanted sounds like a fun read; Dewey's Nine Lives is definitely right up my alley! And Anne Tyler's books are always wonderful! I love the cover of Debbie Macomber's book & hope to read it during the Christmas season!
~ Amy
These are all so great. I especially like the Clockwork Angel teaser. Thanks for sharing these :}. Here's mine from David A. Cleinman's new novel called, "Principle Destiny," about a young woman who must fight to gain kingship. It has beautiful scenery, unique locations, and strong characters, which has kept my interest all the way through:
Skenter wanted her dead. There was no doubt of that. Tobias wanted someone to rescue him from a fate worse than death, and despite his words, she knew that he hoped, beyond hope, that it would be her.
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