Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Guest Post and Giveaway: Mary Wine

Please join me in welcoming Mary Wine author of Highland Hellcat. Sourcebooks has generously offered 2 copies of this book for giveaway. Please see the end of the post for Giveaway Details.

What inspired me to write about Scotland?

Ohhh, now there's a topic that might require a list. Scotland is a beautiful country. But I think what's drawn me to its shores is the history. Like most kids, I learned about the history of the United Kingdom, working my way through kings like Henry the eighth and on to James the first. I learned something of Scotland but never really went any further until I began studying ancient history. Now, I loved the Greeks and Romans but it fascinated me to hear that the Celtic people were never conquered.

Hadrian's Wall really caught my attention. Did you know there were Roman bathes built into it? To me it was fascinating to learn that there were hot bathes available in 130 A.D. Although the word available probably isn't the right one. Living under the rule of Rome was not good unless you were one of the privileged few.

So yes, this brought me to Scotland. I began to study the people that Rome failed to conquer. These tribes dealt with Rome, the Vikings, and England but they always managed to hold onto their own identity. One that is remarkable in my opinion. Their music is soul inspiring. When you begin to research the Highlanders, the first thing that I notice is how rough their land is. Carving out a living isn't easy.

But hands down, the thing that draws me to the Highlanders is the women. It's easy to become focused on the raw power of the warriors who are called Highlanders but their women were as strong as they were. These females ran the homes and dealt with the Highlanders. There are scattered accounts of just how bold these girls were and I actually enjoyed some of the English accounts most because the English were writing about how uncivilized the women were... but to me, it drove home how these Highlanders maintained such a strong hold on their heritage. It was due to having strong women by their sides. An Army is only as strong as the support it has, or in this case the Highlanders were only as gold as their women.

Right...wrong, or slightly off balance... that's my take on it. I mean, after's the lore and the myth I want to capture in these books but I always want to know there are men out there with noble hearts.

Highland Hellcat was a story born out of that ideal. Connor Lindsey is looking for a wife that will bring good things to his clan. His desires are second because he is the laird and takes the position very seriously. Brina is no less determined to uphold her family honor. Together...they were opposing forces until they discovered just how to manage the reaction they produced together.


Two winners will receive a copy of, Highland Hellcat courtesy of Sourcebooks. The rules are simple:

1.) Two winners will win a copy of Highland Hellcat, directly from the publisher. U.S and Canadian addresses only!
2.) You must be a Google Friend Connect follower to participate.
3.) You must fill out the form.
4.) Please take the time to leave a question or comment for Mary on this post.
5.) The deadline for this giveaway is Midnight EST, October 20th.


EXTRA ENTRIES: included in the form

+5 for following me on Twitter (Twitter button on the side bar - Please leave your Twitter name in the links area of the form)
+5 for being an old follower
+3 for being a new follower
+5 for putting my giveaway on your sidebar
+10 for adding my button to your sidebar
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+25 for getting the word out about this giveaway, via Blog Post, Facebook, Twitter etc. Please leave your links!


Anonymous said...

Great giveaway and review. Your book sounds really good. Can't wait to read it.

Teril said...

Oh my gosh Mary! Where did you find that beautiful dress?
Do you wear it at book signing events, that would me classic.
This looks like a great read!

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Not eligible to enter but I just had to say that this book sounds awesome!!
Great giveaway!!
Good luck to those entering! XD

justpeachy36 said...

I occasionally have International giveaways as well.... Just check back!

Nancy Bristow said...

You're a new-to-me author even though you've been on my TBB for awhile. I love highlander tales and Highland Hellcat sounds really good:)

Elise said...

It's funny you should mention Hadrian's Wall. Last summer I actually had the fortunate luck to be able to walk the wall, or at least parts of it. It's absolutely huge, length wise, and gorgeous at sunset although I was on the Irish side/part of the wall, although I would have loved to see Scotland or say i visited at the least.