That first novel...
My first novel is somewhere at the bottom of a box in the loft upstairs, painstakingly typed on a manual machine, every mistake visible, rather battered as it was sent back and forth to publishers a few times before being set aside. Inevitably, it was a novel about first love. As a student I worked one summer in a strange old house at the edge of a town called Whitby by the sea in the north of England (it's the town associated with Dracula). My job was to care for children who were sent there by their parents who wanted a bit of peace and quiet during the holidays. We ran courses on theatre and guitar (my job - I could teach drama but my ability on the guitar was rudimentary), outdoor pursuits, canoeing and orienteering. All the tutors were young, so inevitably there were many broken hearts. By the end of a few weeks the object of my affections had been sacked for breaking into the house late at night after lights out, and I was left trekking about the countryside with a string of children and a broken heart. I've no doubt that all that emotion went into the book, and I equally have no doubt that it was and remains unpublishable.
There were a few more abortive attempts before finally I had a novel accepted. I tried a children's book, and another book written from the heart called Holding the Baby about the shock of new motherhood, but a celebrity got there first. And then came a breakthrough. I found material which has been the source of all my writing since: a little nugget about an extraordinary woman - or in this case, a pair of cousins, who claimed to have photographed fairies (later known as the Cottingley Fairies - you can look them up on the internet). These two girls even convinced Arthur Conan Doyle, of Sherlock Holmes fame, although he was ripe for such trickery as he was a Theosophist and believed in spirits. What intrigued me was the temerity of the two Edwardian girls, who refused to admit the photo's were fakes right up until the 1960's. Also the time was very evocative - just before the First World War. So I wrote a novel about two cousins, one a sophisticate named Sophia, the other a country bumpkin who has a relationship with the spirit world in the woods. I wrote it for children and was invited to have coffee with a prestigious editor of a children's publisher called Walker Books. She told me that she liked my writing but it wasn't for children. Children didn't want to read about fairies. What I must do was rewrite the novel as an adult book.
So I tried again, and this time sent a letter and a few chapters to a literary agency - arrogantly picked out of The Writer's Yearbook because of the quality of the authors it represented. It was a huge firm engaged both with literature and theatre and was called Peters, Fraser and Dunlop, and when I had heard nothing for a few months I plucked up courage and rang the office. I was put through to an agent called Mark Lucas. He said: 'Ah, I was going to call you. I liked your letter very much... not so keen on the chapter.' He has been my agent ever since, and he found my first publisher. When he rang up to tell me A Way Through the Woods had been accepted I think my head hit the ceiling. I was baking a flan and had two small girls. My mother was there and she said: 'Now don't get too excited.' Don't get too excited? But a door, kept shut for so long, had swung open; I was launched.
It's been a long and arduous road, but that's writing. Every novel is a huge mountain - if it wasn't, it wouldn't be worth tackling. But The Crimson Rooms felt like coming home. I was back in the territory of my first published novel. I felt the same, haunting tug of a generation bereaved and brutalized by war. But it is a much more sophisticated book than A Way Through the Woods, and so it should be, altogether wittier, pacier and multi-layered. Because writing is a process and a craft, and that's why I keep doing it.
Katherine McMahon
Berkley NAL has offered two readers from Debbie's Book Bag the opportunity to win a copy of The Crimson Rooms by Katherine McMahon. The publisher will be sending these books out directly.
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~The deadline to enter this giveaway will be Midnight EST, January 21st.
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Your story about your agent and getting in was inspirational - congratulations on your new novel! And thanks for the post - and especially for the giveaway - "The Crimson Rooms" looks really good and I hope I win!
Also, I forgot to add a link to the sidebar thing, so: http://lateintothenight.blogspot.com/
apereiraorama @ gmail.com
That was a very good interview. This story looks amazing and I cannot wait to read it. While I have not read anything by this author I am inspired now!
Thank you for coming on and sharing with us this wonderful book.
Great interview - thanks for hosting it!
I loved the interview, I am very interested in reading this book. I am putting in my tbr list.
Thanks for the giveaway. Sounds like a really good book. Tore923@aol.com
I really enjoyed the interview and getting to know Katherine. I've read and really liked The Rose of Sebastopol and would love to read The Crimson Rooms. Thank you for the entry in your giveaway. I am a follower and an email subscriber.
Thanks for the great giveaway! I was intrigued by the premise for your first novel so I can only imagine what how good this book is.
Thank you for the interview and the Giveaway. This book looks really amazing. I cannot wait to read it.
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