Top Ten Things To Do If I Become A Huge World Famous Author
Being an author, there is a certain level of expectation from the people I meet. As soon as they find out what I do they assume I’m rich and famous. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Early on in my career even I had these preconceived notions about the life of a writer. I remember the day I got the call that I’d sold my first book. I was in the middle of doing laundry and I hung up the phone thinking, ‘I’m an author now. Shouldn’t there be someone doing this for me?’
Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but the sad truth is I still have to clean my own house, pick up the doggie poo in my yard, and even clip coupons. The life of a writer isn’t a glamorous one. Actually, it’s exhausting. But we do it because we love it. Which is lucky since we may never strike it rich with our books.
There are exceptions to this rule and it’s not impossible that my next book might land me a *big fat advance and major publishing/movie deal. The odds of me being struck by lightning may be close to the same, of course. But it’s possible.
And with that in mind I’ve compiled a list of the stuff I’m gonna do if ever I become a HUGE WOLRD FAMOUS AUTHOR.
10. Cry on Oprah.
9. Refer to myself in the third person.
8. Sell my used crap on Ebay for a small fortune.
7. Buy a tiny dog and carry him around like a purse.
6. Use my name to get better tables in restaurants.
5. Throw a diva tantrum about the actress playing me in my lifetime bio-pic.
4. Hire someone to scrub my toilets.
3. Have a haircut named after me.
2. Walk into McDonalds and demand a Whopper with cheese.
1. Sneak into random bookstores and sign copies of my own books.
*big fat advances may be a figment of your imagination.
And since it’s Military Brats: After Burn release week, I’m giving away a cool prize pack to one lucky commenter. You tell me, what’s the one thing you’d do if you were suddenly rich and famous?
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!

Sherry is sponsoring a giveaway for a prize pack to one lucky commenter. This prize will be sent out by the author.
I've decided to make this a really simple one.
Please leave your e-mail address along with a comment on this post answering Sherry's question: What's the one thing you'd do if you were suddenly rich and famous?
The deadline of this giveaway is Midnight EST February 17th.
U.S. and Canadian entries only.
go traveling
I would buy me a getaway home where I could just be alone and away from the rush and crazy affects of everyday life, so I could regroup and refocus.
Don't forget to leave your e-mail address! Please come back and comment again with it, so I can get in touch with you... if you win!
If I suddenly had riches, I would pay off all my families bills and build a new house for both my daughters and myself.
seriousreader at live dot com
donate sum money to schools.
GFC follower
vidishamun at gmail dot com
Thanks so much for the contest!! the book sounds so great!!
I would travel around the world and fulfill my dream of starting my own business
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
I would payoff all my bills and sell my house and move to another place. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
Ha...well lets see. If I was suddenly rich and famous, I would hire someone to walk around behind me playing theme music for whatever I was doing...and if I wasn't doing anything of particular interest, just play my theme song Bon Jovi's "You Give Love a Bad Name" ahahah
hense1kk AT cmich DOT edu
If I were suddenly rich and famous I would make sure my family had everything they needed. Then I would buy me a home in seclusion so I wouldn't be bothered by anyone I didn't want to know where I was! Only my family and good friends would know how to find me.
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