Monday, February 20, 2012

Guest Post and Giveaway: Jory Strong

Please join me in welcoming Jory Strong to Debbie's Book Bag, today. Jory is here to talk about her latest release Inked Magic. The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Jory's book, see details at the end of the post.

Inked Magic - On being the object of their desire

First, thanks so much for the invite to be here as I continue to celebrate the release of Inked Magic, my first erotic romance from Berkley. I’m so totally thrilled to have it now out and in reader hands.

It’s a ménage, my favorite kind of story to write. Why?

Hold on…

I’m imagining myself stretched out on a shrink’s couch.

Woops, don’t think the good doctor is going to earn much if payment is by the hour J.

Why ménages?

Well, I can remember my very first crushes. The first time my little heart sped up and instead of listening to the teacher at the front of the room I was daydreaming about growing up and getting married.

This was second grade. I couldn’t decide between the blond-haired, blue-eyed preacher’s son, Matthew, who sat next to me. Or the dark-haired, dark-eyed, Denny who sat in the next row and two kids up. So, in my innocent fantasies, I married them both and the three of us lived happily ever after.

Flash forward to seventh grade. The fantasies were a little racier, but there was the dark-haired, Will, and the brown-haired Mike, not yet bad boys, but on their way.

Bad boys…Now that’s the subject for a whole different shrink session.

Getting off the mental couch now.

More years later than I want to admit to, I am so so glad, both as an author and a reader, that the publishing doors were kicked open and the erotic romance genre stepped through. Off came the blinders, down came the walls. And finally women could emerge from the closet and boldly say, “We have sexual fantasies too! We’re sexually curious and OKAY with that, even if we might never act on any of it. And no, porn written for men and by men doesn’t even come close. We want happy ever after, but we also want to read sexually explicit scenes, and by the way, please, we’re good with more graphic language. Hold…errr…make that substitute the “turgid length” or “swollen member” with a term we’d actually use in our fantasies.

When the topic of ménage in romance comes up, I’ve heard and read others say, “I don’t get it. It doesn’t do anything for me. It’s not romance.”

Okay. No biggie. For them it’s not. One person’s romance is another’s porn, and someone else’s total dreck.

That’s the beauty of having choice. There are romantic fantasies I don’t get either, whether they involve multiple partners or monogamous ones.

But ménages, I understand that fantasy! I’d swap places with Etaín, the heroine of Inked Magic in a heartbeat! She’s the object of not just one man’s desire, but two.

There’s Cathal, the son of a mob boss. On meeting Etaín…

He fought against inhaling deeply. She smelled good. Like some kind of exotic flower that could only be found by hunting for it.
The feel of her hand in his had him aching to shove it beneath his waistband. His skin was coated in a light sheen of sweat, as if there’d already been an hour of foreplay.

And then there’s Eamon, an elf lord in a human world where supernatural beings remain hidden.

He stood in his office, captivated by the sight of the changeling visible through the glassed ceiling of the terraced dining area. Her aura was deep gold, more Elven than human though her ears were still rounded.

They’d be sensitive now, an erogenous zone he already longed to tease with lips and tongue and the stroke of his fingertips. She’d stepped through his wards and taken his breath away with the touch of magic to magic, and then he’d seen her.
Mine. It was a decision made in a heartbeat.

Both men are far too used to getting what they want. But with Etaín, the cravings of the body soon give way to the desperate cravings of the heart-even as the future can only take one form, a threesome, because anything else will lead to her death.

Thanks again for the invite to be here. I love hearing from readers, 


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for one copy of Inked Magic by Jory Strong.

~ You must be a GFC follower or E-mail subscriber to participate.
~ US and Canadian Addresses only.
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST March 5th.

1. Please leave a comment for Jory. What are your thoughts on Menage stories?
2. Please fill out the FORM.  


Chrisbails said...

I love menage stories, they are just a yummy fantasy that I think everyone would love to do once. I would love to fulfill that one, but just a fantasy.
Great excerpt, now want to finish the rest of this book. Jory is a new author for me and would love to win and read this book. Thanks for the chance to win.

CrystalGB said...

Great interview. Inked Magic sounds good. I like the cover.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any menage stories yet but I would like. I think every woman has a fantasy about 2 men making love to her. Thanks for the giveaway.

Proserpine said...

Hi! This is just great! Deb, I envy you! I saw this cover on Goodreas a few weeks ago and I was drawn by the cover (as usual) and when I read the blurb I was like : Oh my God ménage à trois!!! I didn't read a lot of them but this one sounds pretty interesting and I LOVE Elven!!! Great post by the way! I guess the preacher's son was gorgeous, but I prefer darker one!!! Thanks for this interview/guest post and for this chance!



booklover0226 said...

I love menages and this one sounds like it's right up my alley. I'm adding it to my must have now list.

I am an email subscriber

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

Di said...

I've only read one menage story before so I'd be interested in trying another to see if there are different aspects to the relationships.

US email follower

sallans d at yahoo dot com

June M. said...

I love menage stories. I agree that they are generally just a fantasy for most, something we will never actually act upon. To me, I guess one of the reasons I like them is because I love a strong, alpha man. So if you add 2 to a story, I really love it.

Unknown said...

I totally love menage stories (my fave is m/f/m)!

elizabeth @ bookattict . com (subscribed)
GFC: BookAttict

*yadkny* said...

Inked Magic sounds like an incredible story! I love the cover too!! Very well said post too... I love reading ménages stories! I am definitely picking up this story!

*GFC follower

Emily Tardy said...

I love reading menage stories... and I am definately with BookAttict... The best menage is m/f/m!

I follow by email
emilytardy @

Julianne said...

I really enjoy reading menage stories. Three men and one woman, also floats my boat. I like reading them because the heroine gets to have what I'd like to have. :)
Jory, how did you come up with the idea for Inked Magic?
gfc: Julianne
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

Rachel V said...

I like menage stories as well as others. I like a variety of different books.

KMichelleC87 said...

This story looks very good and I'd love to try it out