Here are my answers:
1.) When do you usually know and feel that it's finally the holidays?
I live in Kentucky so sometimes it doesn't snow until January, so I start feeling in the Holiday spirit around Thanksgiving. We start decorating for Christmas around the 1st of December and put our live tree up around the 10th or so...
2.) What do you want for Christmas this year?
We are kind of strapped for cash this year, do to a few financial disasters throughout this year, so I haven't really thought a lot about what I want for Christmas, because we've decided to only buy for the kids. But if I had a choice as to what I would like, I have a couple of things in mind. I think I might like to have a new Color Nook and some gift certificates to my local bookstore, CoffeeTree Books. We have a gorgeous new library in town, The Rowan County Public Library that I would enjoy having enough time in my busy schedule to explore in great detail, LOL!
3.) Do you go all out with decorations?
I used to decorate to the nines. Tons of stuff. But, I have cut down a little bit. We have a beautiful live Christmas tree, it's a cedar, so the house smells wonderful. I have wreaths on the doors and my flower boxes are decorated outside with bulbs and pine cones and holly. My mailbox is wrapped in holly garland and my kitchen table has a gorgeous Christmas table cloth and centerpiece. Ok, so I still get into decorating a lot! LOL
4.) What are you doing Christmas Eve?
My daughters will be spending Christmas Eve with their daddy, so my boyfriend and I will get to send some quality time together! Which means we'll probably watch Food Network and curl up on the couch with my favorite pooch, Sundae!
5.) What are you doing Christmas Day?
Christmas Day my daughters will be home and we'll be going up to my mom and dad's for a great dinner and lots of great games and conversation with my sister, my brother and all the kiddo's (my sister has five and my brother has one)!
6.) It's Christmas time. What are you reading?
I'm participating in the Christmas Spirit Challenge from The TrueBook Addict, so I'm reading several Christmas selections. I'm also trying to finish up a few challenges.
7.) Favorite movie to watch during the holidays?
It's A Wonderful Life with Jimmy Stewart has always been a favorite of mine to watch during the holidays. Since the kids came along, another favorite is A Year Without a Santa Claus, I just love those Miser Brothers LOL!
8.) Favorite Christmas Song?
Without a doubt, What Child is This? has always been a favorite of mine! (Especially, opera singer Andrea Bocelli's version)
9.) Favorite Holiday Drink?
I'm a diabetic and can't drink much alcohol, so I'll stick with good ol' hot chocolate with Peppermint stirring sticks from Starbucks... Yum or a Smore's Cappuccino from our local coffee shop, The Fuzzy Duck!
10.) How is your Christmas shopping going?
Really, I've just gotten started! I'm not a procrastinator so to speak, but this year I had to wait until I had the funds to shop! But, I'm on a roll now! One more good day of shopping will finish me up and then I have to wrap it all... Yikes!
11.) If you could spend Christmas Day anywhere else, where would you spend it?
Well, I'm a fan of a roaring fire and lots of snow on the ground for Christmas, so something like ski lodge or a mountain cabin. Aspen, Colorado sounds good!
12.) Any holiday traditions?
We have several. Getting a live tree is one of them. We have a decorating party, usually just me and the girls, we listen to holiday music and drink egg nog or hot chocolate. We also buy one special ornament for our tree every year. The girls have one for each year they've been alive. Holiday baking has always been a big one for us, from cookies to candy. Yummy! And watching tons of Christmas Movies!
13.) Favorite thing about the holidays?
I love just about everything about the holidays, from Christmas Caroling to shopping to decorating the tree, to giving presents and all that stuff. I love reading the Christmas story and attending church services and plays and all that too. I just love this time of year! It brings out the best in people.
Here are three blogs I'd like to tag! Don't feel like you have to post, but if you have the time, I'd love to hear your answers:
Jennifer @ Rundpinne
Danielle @ Romance Book Junkies
Kathy @ I am a Reader, Not a Writer
Have a great time with your girls, you sure deserve it!!!!! You have to post a picture of your tree and maybe I will be able to smell the cedar from here :)
There have been years when I've been done shopping by Halloween, I'm usually done by Thanksgiving, not this year. I finally went out one day last week and knocked out most of the shopping. One more day and I'll have it done... then comes the wrapping, don't know when I'll get it done!
Wishing you a wonderful Holiday season, Happy Holidays!
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