I generally choose three or four books, sometimes related or in a series, common themes etc., sometimes not . This week cool cozy mystery series by Joyce and Jim Lavene. It's called the Renaissance Faire Mystery series.

First in the Renaissance Faire Mystery series featuring craft apprentice and sleuth, Jessie Morton. INCLUDES RENAISSANCE RECIPES AND FUN FACTS!
Assistant Professor Jessie Morton spends her summers at the Renaissance Village honing her skills and finding the lady, lord, or serf whodunnit.
This summer Jessie is the apprentice to Mary Shift, a basket-maker with a dark past as well as incredible weaving skills. One day a man is bid a deadly fare-thee-well with Mary's signature weave around his neck. It's up to Jessie to spring Mary from the stocks of the Myrtle Beach police station. Yet innocence is hard to prove in a place where there's a fine line between reality and good theater - and history is bound to repeat itself.

At her glass-blowing apprenticeship, Renaissance reveler Jessie Morton's crabby boss and his creepy nephew are causing her problems. But when the man playing the Grim Reaper is killed, Jess has to find the lady, lord, or serf whodunnit.
Jessie Morton's latest apprenticeship at the Renaissance Faire is in service to Daisy, the master swordsmith. But when a professional dueler - and Daisy's former flame - is murdered, it's up to Jessie to keep a sharp eye out for the killer.
Oh I have heard so much about the cozy mystery series, can't wait for your reviews on them. Happy Reading
My Wishlist
I did a meme on All I want for christmas (book wise of course!) and its something like this one!
Please come over and have a look.
I put the wrong link down earlier. Argh.
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