Publication Date: November 2010
Publisher: Simon and Schuster Adult
Genre: Christian Growth
ISBN-13: 9781439108963
ISBN: 143910896X
(Received for review from Nancy Berland PR)
Purchase: Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Borders, IndieBound
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Excerpt: Click HERE!
Synopsis (Book Blurb):
Debbie Macomber once had a list of thirty people she'd admired throughout life and eventually hoped to meet. Through the years she was able to meet them all, but imagine her surprise when she discovered that other, less revered people who were brought into her life made much more of a positive impact on her. If you've ever wondered when the right people will come into your life, you may need to look more closely at those you aren't expecting. They may have been given God's special invitation, placed in your path for a heavenly purpose.
Open your heart to God's Guest List. Don't miss the special gifts God intends for you.
It isn't very often that I find a book that moves me in a very profound way. God's Guest List is just such a book. As many of you know Debbie Macomber is one of my favorite author's. Her romances are real and heartwarming, and I was really excited when I found out that she had decided to write a non-fiction book. This is her first foray into non-fiction, but I certainly hope it won't be her last. Macomber is writer who understands people, especially women. She has a great gift for giving us stories that warm the heart and make us believe that everything is possible.
In her new book, God's Guest List, Debbie Macomber focuses on the people that God places in our lives. At one time she had a list of thirty people that she admired and wanted to meet in her lifetime. She had the great privilege of being able to meet all thirty, but soon realized that there were people in her everyday life that influenced her more profoundly than any of those on her list. This got her to thinking about all of those people who come into our lives who we don't even realize were sent by God. Those who change our lives. These are the people who are on God's Guest list for us.
I can't say enough good things about this book. It really made me take a long look at those people who I interact with on a daily basis and to think about how God was using them in my life and also how I was influencing them. Who's guest list has God placed me on? Who am I influencing, just by being in their lives? Thinking about both aspects of that brought me to tears. Macomber uses personal experiences and stories to illustrate how we sometimes overlook those who God sends to us for a purpose. This is the kind of book that will make you think, make you examine, make you want to see what God has in store.
One of the parts of this book that I really enjoyed were the little sections titled: "Gifts from Our Guests". These little tidbits just reiterated important ideas from the previous text. I also really found the "Take Note" sections very enlightening. It helped me to really examine the people in my life and who they influence me. The "RSVP" sections were also wonderful. This book has a lot to offer and I was really moved by it. It made me want to do something about what I read in it's pages and that means the author really accomplished something. If they can make you feel any kind real emotion through their writing they have succeeded.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves Debbie Macomber and to those who want to read a book that may change how they view the people around them.
God's Guest List is available NOW from your favorite bookseller.
I'm giving this one 5 out of 5 apples from my book bag!

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