Thursday, December 9, 2010

1-Year Blogoversary Giveaway!

Well, It's official! I've been blogging one year today and I'm sooo excited about it. When I first started blogging it was because I wanted to share my love of books with others. I had never done a blog before and I wasn't really sure how to go about it. But, I got a lot of help from the blogsphere and I think I've finally got the hang of it. LOL!

I want to thank everyone who has come by and left comments, entered giveaways or even just read what I had to say. I love books! I love reading! and I've come to love blogging as well. There will quite a few changes in the next year here at Debbie's Book Bag! I don't blog for money. I don't even really blog for the free books you get a long the way. So, I'm going to be accepting fewer books for review, not giving deadlines when I will have reviews posted on the ones I do accept. And I'll be getting back to reading more for pleasure. Reviewing the books I really want to read and I hope you'll join me in giving your take on them.

That's not to say there will be no reviews for publishers because there are specific ones that I really enjoy reviewing for and plan to continue. But, my schedule will be my own and not theres!

That being said I want to have a giveaway for my faithful followers, who have been with me through the year and that I hope will continue to find Debbie's Book Bag a place they want to be. I considered what I wanted to offer for this giveaway diligently. I have recently started getting interested in Cozy mysteries and I'm thinking about setting up a challenge for cozies this year. So I decided I would offer 3 books for this giveaway. Book 1 from three different cozy mystery series authors. That will give those of you who haven't read any of these a chance to start 3 new series'!!!


The rules for this one are going to be very easy!

-I will be purchasing these books and sending them out to you!
-The deadline will be a little longer than usual (one month, exactly) So I will end January 9th at Midnight EST
-The giveaway will be international
-You must be a GFC follower!

Here are the 3 books up for grabs:

Knit One, Kill Two (Knitting Mystery series - Book 1) by Maggie Sefton

Click HERE for more info on this title!

One Bad Apple (Orchard series - Book 1) by Shelia Connolly

Click HERE for more info on this title!

A Peach of a Murder (Fresh-Baked Mystery series - Book 1) by Livia J. Washburn

Click HERE for more info on this title!

Now here's the kicker! If you've already read these cozy's or your in the middle of the series instead of the beginning or just think you'd like another cozy series better... go ahead and sign up for the giveaway! I'll let you choose the three you want as long as they are cozy mysteries!


Simply leave a comment on this post telling me whether or not you'd be interested in a Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge or if you know another blog who already has one...

Don't forget to leave your e-mail address! And you're entered!


dollycas aka Lori said...


I think I am rubbing off on you!!! lol

I had contemplated a cozy mystery challenge myself but decided to do the JUST FOR FUN one instead, but if you host a cozy challenge I will be the first to sign up!!!!

I have also asked Santa for more reading time as I have the same problem you do. I have stopped reviewing any new self published books for awhile until I get caught up. I have a few left that look good and then will take a break from that.


fredamans said...

Not an entry, just want to wish you a Happy Blogoversary!

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Happy Blogoversary!!!
I have never read a cozy like these
books before and would love to win and read these.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Bookworm Lisa said...

I haven't read any of the cozy books. I wonder how I missed them? I would be thrilled to win one.
ke7yca at gmail dot com

I might be interested in a challenge, it would depend on the scope of it.

Jeremy said...

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary!

Teril said...

A Cozy Mystery Challneg sounds wonderful. Happy anniversay.

Joyce said...

YES....YES...and YES. I would love to see a cozy mysteries challenge.
Also congratulations on your anniversary.

Mel said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!!

Cozy mysteries seem to be a little overlooked in the blogosphere so I would welcome the opportunity to find out about a few more! There's not really a huge number of them available in the UK... :(

Mel S

Joy Tamsin David said...

Not an entry,

Congrats on hitting the one year milestone! You have such a beautiful blog background. :)

Judylynn said...

The challenge sounds good. Please enter me in the giveaway!


The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

Happy blogoversary!

I would be interested in a cozy challenge although I'm trying not to sign up for too many this year...but I really do love cozies so I probably would.

bookworm1858 AT hotmail DOT com

Amused said...

Happy one year blogoversary! It's such a great milestone to reach - here's to many more!

throuthehaze said...

Happy Blogiversary! I have only read one cozy book before and I liked it :) I do think I have seen another blog with a Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge, but I can't remember what blog it was.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anna said...

Happy blogiversary!

StephTheBookworm said...

Happy blogiversary!

I'd like to be in a cozy mystery challenge!

stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com

Mystica said...

Congratulations! I'd really like to be in a cozy mystery challenge because that is one genre which is available also in Sri Lanka!


Book Loving Mommy said...

Wow! Congratulations on your blogoversary!

I have never read a cozy mystery so I would love a challenge! I will sign up for sure if you start one (even though I said no more challenges...this one would be worth breaking my promise!) :)


buddyt said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary.

Hope the 400 Followers mark comes up soon!

I don't enter challenges but I am sure you will get a lot of entrants for a cosy mysteries one.

I think I say such a challenge on another blog but I can't remember where.

Thanks for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

I follow via GFC.

Carol T

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Theresa N. said...

I'm a follower and e-mail subscriber. I remember seeing cozy reading challenges in the past but can't think of anyone who has one now. I'm always interested in challenges but it depends on what's going on in my life at the time.
Theresa N

Jasmine1485 said...

These look like I'd really enjoy them! I haven't read any Cozy Mysteries before, and I might be interested in doing a challenge, because I'm on holidays at the moment and have time to read. Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Kate1485 at

Hilde said...

Happy blogoversary!

I would be interested in a cosy mystery challenge. It's a genre I haven't read much from but would like to read, and a challenge might be just what I need to get started.

hildesr [at] gmail [dot] com

Carol N Wong said...

Congratulations! You made it!

So happy that you are getting hooked on cozies. I discovered them three years ago and can't get enough of them.
There aren't that many blogs that cover them. Last night, I entered a contest for one of them and the blogger said that he liked the book even though it was a cozy!!!I ended up defending the cozy, bring up all its wonderful attributes. I love them.
At the local library, I have read I have finished off whole shelves of them but still not scratched the surface-I haven't read any of the series that you picked these books from. Guess that you could call me a cozy fanatic!

Please enter me in this delightful contest.

Carol N Wong said...

Congratulations! You made it!

So happy that you are getting hooked on cozies. I discovered them three years ago and can't get enough of them.
There aren't that many blogs that cover them. Last night, I entered a contest for one of them and the blogger said that he liked the book even though it was a cozy!!!I ended up defending the cozy, bring up all its wonderful attributes. I love them.
At the local library, I have read I have finished off whole shelves of them but still not scratched the surface-I haven't read any of the series that you picked these books from. Guess that you could call me a cozy fanatic!

Please enter me in this delightful contest.

Carol N Wong said...

Gee whiz~! I forgot to add my e-mail
Congratulations! You made it!

So happy that you are getting hooked on cozies. I discovered them three years ago and can't get enough of them.
There aren't that many blogs that cover them. Last night, I entered a contest for one of them and the blogger said that he liked the book even though it was a cozy!!!I ended up defending the cozy, bring up all its wonderful attributes. I love them.
At the local library, I have read I have finished off whole shelves of them but still not scratched the surface-I haven't read any of the series that you picked these books from. Guess that you could call me a cozy fanatic!

Please enter me in this delightful contest.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I am a follower and email subscriber. I would be interested in a reading challenge but don't have time right now since I work 2 jobs. Please enter me in contest.

justpeachy36 said...

I will definitely be setting up the 2011 Cozy Mystery Challenge. I will try to have that up by Monday or Tuesday at the latest!

Thank-You everyone for your comments and your participation! I'm just thrilled!

Aik said...

Congratulations, Debbie! I'd be interested in a reading challenge, but I won't have much free time because next year I'll have a hectic schedule.

aikychien at yahoo dot com

sablelexi said...

I haven't read any Cozy mysteries, but I'm interested in starting. I'd have to read one first to see if I'd be interested in a challenge, but it could be fun.

jlynettes @ hotmail . com

Emma said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!! I am a follower and email subscriber.I am not interested in a Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge now.These books sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.

Laura H. said...

Congrats on your first year blogoversary! I'll have to admit I've never read a cozy mystery before. Matter of fact, I didn't even know what one was until I read the definition under your mystery challenge. But I would like to give a "cozy mystery" a try and these books look really good! Unfortunately, I don't have a blog so I won't be entering your challenge. Thanks for the great giveaway!


Aleetha said...

Happy Blogoversary

This is the first time I read about the challenge. I have seen some books which belong to the challenge. I am not sure I will find the local bookstore here. Besides The local publisher seldom bring out any books like that

But I'd love to read it. At least I know one book of them at gmail dot com

Julie said...

Happy Blogoversary! I don't think I have enough cozy mysteries in my shelves this year to participate in a challenge (and I think I've seen one around, but I can't recall where), but I do find that I like to read cozies when I need something light, interesting, and entertaining! Thanks for the giveaway!

I follow via GFC as jewelknits!

Sandee61 said...

I haven't read any of these cozies, and would like too. Thank you for the entry in your giveaway.

I am a new follower! And yes I signed up for the Cozy Mystery Challenge. Sounds like fun!

Happy Reading,


Misha said...

Congratulations!! :)
I have not read many cozy mysteries but I think the challenge sounds interesting!

I am a follower.


Beverly said...

Thanks for hosting! Please enter me - I am an old follower

Carol said...

Congrats on your Blogoversary!!!

I loove cozys, I can't belive this is a International cozy giveaway!!! (there's no many of them)

It be great a Cozy challenge, I love them ^^. I know Carol - BBC (Book Chick City every year host a Mystery Challenge were includes cozy - but you are the only ony that I know with a Cozy Challenge.

I don't usually 'enter' challenges (don't have a blog) but I always follow them ^^

Thanks again for the giveaway and for opening it to worldwide entries.

I follow via GFC as Carol.