Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Guest Post and Giveaway: Catherine Mann

Please join me in welcoming Catherine Mann back to Debbie's Book Bag today! Catherine is guest posting in honor of her latest release, Hot Zone, the second book in the Elite Forces series. The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Catherine's book, see details at the end of the post.

“Research: Hottie in the House!”
People frequently ask me about research, a crucial part of any book, but particularly important with a military novel.  My quick answer: my flyboy husband served in the Air Force for over twenty years.  He still works for the Air Force in a civilian capacity.  He brainstorms with me on plots and proofreads all my stories.

 So yes, I have an in-house, military hottie whenever I have a question.

There are infinite nuances and details to the lingo.  If a reader has a military background, one incorrect word can kill the story’s credibility.  On the other hand, if a reader does not have a military background, I need to make sure everything is clearly, accurately explained - without bogging down the story in too many technical details.

Yep, even with my in house hero, there’s still a lot of research.

Oftentimes, I interview other military personnel as well.  For the “Elite Force” series, it has been helpful that my chiropractor is a former pararescue jumper (PJ).  In addition to that, our list of military family and friends is long.  Very long.  Any question I have, we can find a person to answer.

Each person brings different perspectives and experiences.  Just listening to them talk about anything from an intense mission to hanging out with others in uniform will have me taking pages of notes.  I’m fascinated by their word choices, demeanor, the way the uniform is a part of their very fiber.

I believe this is a large part of why readers enjoy military romance novels – having a peek into that unique world, with its quirks and acronyms and camaraderie.

And yes, the hotties!

For those of you who would like to learn more about the pararescue world, here’s an AWESOME youtube clip from the History Channel’s MAIL CALL.  Stellar footage of incredibly brave serviceman.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHa14egZKSw  

Who’s your favorite movie/tv hottie you would like to see star in a military film?  


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Hot Zone by Catherine Mann.

~ You must be a GFC follower or e-mail subscriber to participate. 
~ US and Canadian addresses only (Publisher Request).
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST January 3rd.

1. Answer Catherine's question in the comments section of THIS post.
2. Fill out the FORM.


Paula R said...

Hi Cathy, how are you? I hope all is well. I love military men, and you do their stories right. Don't count me in for the contest, I already have this book. Plus, I have too many hot actors in my head to choose just one who could star as a military hero...lol!!!

Peace and love,
Paula R.

Shelley B said...

I would love the new Superman... Henry Cavill. sigh

Catherine Mann said...

LOL, I'm like you, Paula! Plenty of hotties to choose from. :)

Catherine Mann said...

OMG, Shelley! He IS a hottie! Did you see him in The Tudors? Soooo awesome!

Unknown said...

My new hottie is the sheriff from the show Once Upon a Time. He really needs to star as a military man. He has that look about him. Plus seeing him sweaty and fighting would make my day.

justpeachy36 said...

Hmmmm! I have to chime in here. Jason Mamoa would make a fantastic military hero, but I'm guessing they'd have to cut his hair... and of course there's Sam Witwer (Davis Bloom, Smallville/ Aidan on Being Human) He would be fantastic!

Thanks for stopping by to answer questions Cathrine... I'm really enjoying this series!

Catherine Mann said...

Jay, I adore Once Upon a Time! What a great, great show - full of hotties. ;)

JustPeachy - Thank you!!!!!! So happy to hear you're enjoying my "Elite Force" books. :)

Jane said...

Congrats on the new release, Catherine. I would like to see Richard Armitage portraying a military hero.

Kathleen O said...

I cannot think of anyone I would like to see as a Millitary hottie.. I keep going back to those I already have seen, like Richard Gere in an Officer and A Gentleman.. doesen't get any hotter..
Looking forward to this new book Catherine...

lag123 said...

A couple of those guys from CSI would be great! I don't know their names.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Tanya said...

I would love to see either one of the guys from Supernatural, Jared or Jensen, I think they would make great military heroes.
This series sounds great!

Anonymous said...

Hi I love reading about military men. This book sounds very good. Thanks for the giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

*yadkny* said...

Favorite movie/tv hottie I would like to see star in a military film? That's a good question... I guess I would have to say the actor who played Thor:)

CONGRATS Catherine on your latest release and Happy (almost) New Years!!!

*GFC Follower

Di said...

So many actors I like have already done military roles: Alex O'Laughlin, Channing Tatum, Josh Duhamel. This book series looks great - love military adventure.

sallans d at yahoo dot com

Pam S (pams00) said...

Gret post and interview - really looking forward to book two!

gfc follower - pams00


bn100 said...

Gerard Butler

nfmgirl said...

My favorite, Joe Manganiello, has already played a SEAL in a movie, but I'd love to see him in a better movie! Also Jeremy Renner has already done a military movie. So I'm happy!