Friday, December 16, 2011

Interview and Giveaway: Terry Spear

Please join me in welcoming Terry Spear to Debbie's Book Bag today. Terry is here to talk about her latest release in the Heart of the Wolf series, Dreaming of the Wolf. The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Terry's book, see details at the end of the post.

DEB: Terry, tell us what you've been up to since you were last here at Debbie's Book Bag?
TS: Writing! I’ve already written books 9 and 10 of the wolf series, A SEAL in Wolf’s Clothing (in stores next March) and Duncan’s story (he’s from the wolf pack in Heart of the Highland Wolf), and the first of the jaguar series! And doing research! Big cats are not like wolves!

DEB: Tell us about your latest release in the “Heart of the Wolf” series, Dreaming of the Wolf.
TS: Dreaming of the Wolf is Jake Silver’s story from the Silver wolf pack in Silver Town, Colorado. I had so much fun writing about a pack that owned their own town when humans have no idea that werewolves run it (Destiny of the Wolf, Book 2). But in this story, I wanted Jake to be on his own, away from his brothers and the pack. And see what kind of trouble he can get himself into…over a woman, of course. I’ve read where people have fallen in love at first sight. Well, there’s a draw between both Jake and Alicia that compels them to go further than either of them knows is prudent, and yet… they just can’t help themselves.

DEB: How does this book fit in with the series overall? Does it share some of the characters or go off on its own path?
TS: Because Jake is part of the Silver Town wolf pack, readers will get to see the family again. Jake definitely is away when he meets Alicia, or his pack leader brother might very well have tried to put a stop to his blossoming relationship with the human woman. Wolf Fever(book 6) is also a story about this pack. And I’m writing Tom’s story, the youngest brother of the triplets, as well.

DEB: I have always been extremely interested in how you do your research. Your descriptions of wolf behavior and pack dynamics are fascinating. How do you research for this kind of novel?
TS: Not only do I read books about biologists who study wolves, and live historical accounts such as a boy from a tribe rescuing a wolf pup and raising him in the historical past, but have watched a number of videos on wolf behavior, and even some youtube videos showing captive or wolves in the wild. I’ve visited a Texas wolf reserve and want to see one in New Mexico with two of my coworkers, but we couldn’t all get off work at the same time. We still plan to go one of these days! I’d love to go to Minnesota also and see theirs.

DEB: Is the paranormal something that has always interested you? What was your inspiration for this series and this book in particular?
TS: I loved ghost stories when I was young, but I also read my first shifter story as a young girl about the polar bear prince. It was a romance, the only difference being that he was cursed by a witch, whereas my shifters were born this way or bitten and turned. Jack London’s Call of the Wild and White Fang intrigued me and it made me see wolves in a more human light. I’ve watched the werewolf horror stories, but wanted to create werewolves based on real wolves, who continued to think like humans. Yet, they have a different perspective from wolves and from humans. Since they’re both. I also fell in love with Dracula in a college play, and from then on saw Dracula as someone who needed love also.

DEB: This series has experienced great longevity. Do you expect that to continue? Do you have plans for several more novels or can you give a preview of what's coming up?
TS: Thanks, Debbie! I have 10 books written and another 3 contracted in the wolf series. Tom’s story from the Silver wolf pack, and my editor gave me the title for another: A Highland Wolf Wedding, which will be Cearnach’s story from Heart of the Highland Wolf pack. And I’ve contracted another Highland wolf story!

DEB: My readers are interested in you as a person as well as a writer; do you have any pet peeves to share with us about writing or getting published?
TS: I don’t have enough hours in the day to write! Working the day job, you know. LOL Although I do get some great tips from my co-workers. One mentioned a woman who shied away from the altar 3 times before…oh, well, I can’t say anything more. I’ve written a couple of bride stories and I think I feel another coming on. LOL

DEB:What gave you the confidence to try to sell your work? What do you think it takes to get a manuscript looked at in a serious way?
TS: I have to laugh at the first question. How about ignorance??? Truly is bliss! The first time I sent a story off to a publisher, and this was before the world of the Internet, and I had to type on a typewriter, yes, thousands of years ago, I received a form letter rejection stating: Word Count Too Short. I just didn’t know any better about so many aspects of writing, although I had tons of writing books that I’d read from beginning to end. They didn’t make me a better writer. What did was joining critique groups, learning from more seasoned writers. For your manuscript to get noticed, you have to have a unique, saleable storyline. Not the same old thing that everyone else is doing, or even if it is the same old thing, it has to have a unique spin on it. Something that makes it more marketable, makes it stand out. And if you have a series idea, even better.

DEB: What are you working on right now?
TS: Tom’s story, from the Silver Town wolf pack. And I started the opening of the jaguar two book, this one about the sister, Maya. I’ve also started the opening of A Highland Wolf Wedding. That last has a funny story. My editor sent me this title for my Highland Wolf in Paradise, but I told her I didn’t have an actual wedding in the story, but that I could write one like that for a different book. And so a new story was born. :) And the best part? We already have the title. I love it! It all starts out with a Highland wedding, a car accident, a wolfish demand for the accident causer to give the wolf a lift, and it gets worse from there….you know how it goes!

DEB: What other kinds of books can readers expect from you in the New Year? I know from receiving your newsletter that you have a lot of irons in the fire. I love your short fiction by the way!
TS: Thanks, Debbie! I’m thrilled you’re enjoying it! I’m finishing up The Ancient Fae, Book 4 in the World of Fae, YA. And I’m writing the third Highland story also! When I get stuck in a spot for one, I can’t sit idly during the precious time I have to write (remember the day job), so I write on one of my other stories until I can come up with a way to get rid of my writer’s…temporary impasse!

DEB: Thanks again for being with us here at Debbie's Book Bag and we look forward to having you back again soon!

TS: Thanks, Debbie! I’d love to come back in March and share a hunky SEAL with everyone…as in A SEAL in Wolf’s Clothing.  You should see the looks I get when I mention the title…of course everyone’s thinking I’m mixing up seal shifters with wolf shifters and give me a funny expression, like I’ve really gone off the deep end. They’re librarians who mostly don’t read fantasy, so you can understand the concern. Lol!


The publisher is sponsoring a giveaway for two copies of Dreaming of the Wolf by Terry Spear.

~ You must be a GFC follower or e-mail subscriber to participate. 
~ US and Canadian Addresses only (Publisher Request).
~ The deadline to enter this giveaway is Midnight EST December 30th.

1. Please leave a comment or question for Terry on THIS post. Please remember to make it meaningful...
2. Please fill out the FORM.


Terry Spear said...

Thanks so much for the lovely review, Deb! I'm thrilled you're loving the series! Next up? One hot SEAL wolf. :)

I'll let everyone know about the giveaway too! Merry Christmas!

justpeachy36 said...

Thanks Terry! Have a wonderful holiday! This is one of my all time favorite series'!

Terry Spear said...

Thanks so much, Deb! I hope you enjoy the jaguar shifter series too!!! :) Off to work on Cearnach's story, and Tom's. They both get annoyed with me if I spend too much time with one or the other. They're such....wolves. :)

Martha Lawson said...

These books sound so wonderful! Thanks for the giveaway..

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Carol L. said...

Hi Terry,
Enjoyed your post. Love your Wolves. Looking forward to reading this one too. I'll also keep my eye out for the Seal. :) Thanks for the opportunity.
GFC name is Lucky47.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Terry Spear said...

Thanks, Martha!

Carol, I'm delighted you're enjoying the wolves and though the jaguar shifter series will be different, I'm hoping you'll fall in love with them too! :)

lag123 said...

I have not heard of this series. Thanks for the introduction.

lag110 at mchsi dot com

Di said...

I've been wanting to try one of these Wolf stories and this looks like a good series to start with.

sallans d at yahoo dot com

ann said...

I usually dont read these types of books but I love wolves and this one sounds like one I may like adding another type of book to want to read to my list
amhengst at verizon dot net

Terry Spear said...

You're welcome, Lag123.

Di, hope you love the series!

Ann, I agree. I've tried some types of stories I didn't think I'd like and fell in love with the genre. Hope you get a chance to try them. :)
Definitely, they're based on real wolves, not beastly monsters. :)

Anonymous said...

Terry I can't wait to read your books. They sound very good.

Terry Spear said...

Thanks, Tore! Hope you enjoy them!

*yadkny* said...

I'm sooo excited to see that this series is continuing with sooo many books still left for me to read! Then for me it's on to your Jaguars series! Thanks for the great giveaway & Happy Holidays!!!

Terry Spear said...

Thanks, Yadkny! I'm thrilled you're enjoying the series! I can't wait to see the cover that they come up for the first of the jaguar series!! :)

Have a joyful holiday! :)